Quick Park.ie Dublin Airport


Registered User
Is this company still operating, been trying to get into website but won't work?
Other recommendations?
Many thanks for the info - don't know why I couldn't get into it! Sorted now.
I use Bewleys all the time - easy parking, very regular shuttles, sheltered wait, and often cheaper than Quickpark. Quickpark is actually fine, but if you're pulling suitcases from the car to one of the bus stops, it's not a good experience - the surface is totally rough and pitted, and if you're unlucky enough to have just missed a shuttle, there may be quite a wait in a very draughty bus shelter, apart from the fact that you've dislocated a shoulder trying to haul luggage to the bus stop.

Was there not a series of problems regarding cars getting broken into, vandalised and perhaps even stolen from the Bewleys car park (edge of M1/N32) at one point - I'm sure I recall hearing a few reports unless I'm badly mistaken ?

Do they have security at the hotel car park, on a full time basis ?

Many thanks

Mr. Earl.
Quickpark is the Ryanair of parking - useless! You'll come back to damaged/broken into cars and get yelled at if you question anything. DAA car parks and Bewleys are more or less the same price - I won't be using quickpark again.