Questions to ask for Tarmac quoting


Registered User
Hi guys,

we're in the house just over a year and are thinking that we need a spot of tarmac 'round back to stop all the stones coming in and ruining the inside of the house and were wondering if anyone could advise on what questions we should be asking potential contractors in order to ensure satisfactory job completion, eg, what size stone, to what depth will it be laid, groundworks, drainage, foundations, etc?

Thank you,

Ask where you can see previous work carried out by the contractors...and go and look at it. If you're happy with it...make sure that the same contractors who carried out that work will carry out yours (ie make sure that they really did that work).
"Tarmac" will be mixed when it arrives on site. Unscrupulous contractors may call what they supply "tarmac" but it may just turn out to be a thin spray of bitumen tar with stones spread and rolled on it.
Is it un-PC of me to suggest that you avoid anybody in a Northern Ireland registered vehicle? Make sure that all details supplied to you by potential contractors are genuine.
There are a lot of cowboys in this business, as Im sure you're aware, and they dont all wear hats and six-guns!
Be very careful!

Another option for you is patterned concrete which is, theoretically, easy to maintain being weed free, etc.

Basically, they dig about 6/7 inches, put in the hardcore, then pour a bunch of dyed concrete, pattern it (number of options to look like cobbles, etc.) and laquer it. It can look fantastic.

I just got it done last week so don't know yet about the maintenance free,etc. but it does look great and will, hopefully, last for many many years being 6-odd inches of concrete. Eveybody who passes admires it. Wife picked the pattern which I wasn't just crazy about but she knows best.

This didn't help at all in your tarmac query but maybe you haven't considered the options available. Also, my only single useful piece of advice is be sure the contractor know you want to park cars on it (if you do). You do not want to end up with sinking.

Good luck.
Hi jh72i,
can you give the name of the company who done this for you , i was looking a few years ago after seeing it in england and no joy
Hey there.
SaintStephen, the guys that did mine were Pattern Stone Drives. A friend of mine used them and I just happened to be at his house on the day when we w a i t i n g for some other crowd to show up and give us a quote. My friend highly recommended them so I called and he came by within the hour (but that could just have been luck that he was in the area). I'm very happy with the work - driveway widened, lawn gone, walls built front and back of house, flowerbeds. I called him Saturday and the job was complete bar the laquer on Thursday.

Give Tom O'Neill a ring on 016434100 and please let him know that John from Walkinstown gave you his number. Now, Tom was a lot cheaper than the other quotes I got but he knew that the site was a good one and was straight up about that. And he was right, at least three neighbours are getting him to do work and my house attracts a good bit of attention anyway.

The only terms and conditions of my recommendation are:

1. If you want contracts and gaurantees and intend writing a cheque I don't know if these boys are the right ones for you!! I'm a little too easy-going that way so maybe I do them an injustice.

2. they start early in the morning - like 7am!

Gallantman, I have no idea about the prices of tarmac so really can't give you an answer. My Dad got tarmac done at his house and I have a vague memory of being stunned with the price.