Questions and Answers to end in June

Q & A had better always had better panelists and had to answer direct challenging questions from the audience and host. Vincent Browne's panelists were idealists at best. No real experience, too many opinions just looking to throw out easy answers and blame. It was bar stool politics at times. One episode I did catch had one of "The Apprentice" contestants on giving her tuppence worth of nonsense. It then disintegrated in to a shouting contest.
I agree. One of the few opportunities for members of the public to have a say. Having said that the audience was often loaded with party members. It's scrapping reminds me of Ray Rambo Burke's interference in RTE! Miriam O'C would be a good replacement.

All they do in RTE anyway is ask each other questions. It's all publicity and yes the audience members are mostly, but not always, placed.

About time RTE.
They shouldn't scap this show.......isn't it the only one where members of the public get any kind of say?

But not sorry to see John Bowman go - he has been an awful moderator. I've watched it many times when they barely get through 2 questions.
Am I the only person who thinks Miriam O'Callaghan would NOT be a good replacement? I really think her abilities are overrated - put it this way; she's no Olivia O'Leary IMO.
Yes , it is a bit suspicious all right.
It could have been a better show but I suppose it was a victim of its own success.
There are a few things to change in the new show.
Getting rid of planted political hacks from the audience or at least silencing them.
And also panellists who come prepared with a scripted response and can`t engage properly in the debate..this is especially evident with politicians.The panelists should have no idea what questions will be asked.
This populist programme is stage managed with great detail and clearly the leading politicians can exert pressure to make it as benign as possible.Each panelists answer need a time limit .Also waffling etc as practised by willie o dea seems to a skill that is encouraged and this along with silly political point scoring takes up most of the show.
Am I the only person who thinks Miriam O'Callaghan would NOT be a good replacement? I really think her abilities are overrated - put it this way; she's no Olivia O'Leary IMO.
I agree. That ever happened to Olivia O'Leary anyway? She was excellent, probably the best current affairs person RTE had. Was she a victim of the ageism that seems to only effect women?
I agree. That ever happened to Olivia O'Leary anyway? She was excellent, probably the best current affairs person RTE had. Was she a victim of the ageism that seems to only effect women?

Didn't she jump ship in the early 90s or thereabouts?

First to UTV then BBC, I've no idea. Think she might be writing more than anything these days.

Edit: Bit of info here though a bit sketchy.

First regular female presenter of Newsnight - forgotten all about that.
The pathetic level of answering equals the pathetic standard of our glorified county councillors
Question & Answers was a big bore. Giving answers was a rarity.

Vincent Browne is far superior.

The Questions on Q+A were set by RTE and not the audience.
Question & Answers was a big bore. Giving answers was a rarity.

Vincent Browne is far superior.

The Questions on Q+A were set by RTE and not the audience.
Vincent Browne is way too biased and, as bullbars pointed out, the quality of the guests and the lack of ability that Vincent shows to act as chairman seriously limit the show.

The questions on Q&A are submitted by the audience but picked by the production team. This does mean that editorial bias could be an issue but the questions have to reflect the issues of the day rather that the hobbyhorse issues of particular audience members.
Will be a shame to see it go. Has been really interesting to watch it over the last 6 months since the **** hit the fan in the economy.

Perhaps not the most exciting when the Celtic Tiger was in full flow and nothing to moan about, but its been excellent viewing recently.
Maybe Mary McAleese could spare an hour or two to replace John Bowman. It could be part of her job description and then it wouldn't cost us anything. With all the cutbacks at the moment we could save some money. She did work for RTE at one time
Q&A had come to the end of its life in my view, it was a tired old format copied from the BBC, and the political parties made sure to pack the audience each week with minor hacks and wannabees who had ambitions of being seen on the TV.
There is room in the schedules for a good programme that puts politicians on the spot, but RTE won't ever do that -- the station is still unduly influenced by the ruling party and won't rock the boat too much. Best hope is that TV3 will fill the vacuum with a younger presenter, somebody like Matt Cooper would do a good job on it in my view. In fact, if they want to go with an oldie, George Hook would also do a good job.
One of the good things that RTE did with Q&A in the past was to take it on tour around the country. That could work again, with tickets given out to random households or some other system to keep out the party drones.
Please god not George Hook. The only way I'd pay to see him if it was in a big tent and he was riding a little bicycle around getting cream pies thrown at him. (in other words, I think he's a clown)

I got tired of it years ago as well for much the same reasons. I use to like Vincents radio show (that said I only got to listen to it occasionally) but am unimpressed with the the tv show.

I'm not gone on Matt Cooper but would prefer him to George Hook. I still miss Rachel English in the evenings.
The only reason the audience is full of hacks is because no-one else bothers their backside to go to the show. The Q&A people are very careful about managing the balance of the hacks in attendance. The reality is that the hacks attend and get to speak simply because they are motivated to do so.

Anyone who wants to attend and speak can pretty much do so. There is no barrier to entry.

I had my 15 seconds of fame when I asked my question back in 2007, but Bowman never came back to me for my well-rehearsed response, and went straight to a commercial break instead!