Questions and Answers to end in June

Yes, not happy with this at all.
Questions and answers seems to be one of the few channels through which government ministers have to answer some hard questions. Dail debates don't seem to be up to much these days, or don't make much tv
Surely the departure of its presenter shouldnt kill this type of show? Call me a cynic, but I suspect political interference ala scrap saturday due to the flak the Government is taking and likely to take for some time to come.
Very disappointing, as tiger said this was one forum where tds had to answer hard questions from the ordinary punter. That said I had noticed of late that more and more of the "ordinary punter"s were placed there by the political parties. Will await news on any replacement but I'd be afraid it might not live up to Q&A.
Will await news on any replacement but I'd be afraid it might not live up to Q&A.
The replacement will probably be just called 'Questions'
I reckon we will get a new show which is 'dumbed down'. This is a very bad move and I think we have a right to be suspicious for the reason behind scrapping this show.
It will be missed but what ever form its reinvented, I hope it will still put people on the spot and force them in to honest, straight forward answers.
Ive tried watching Vincent Browne on TV3 once or twice but boils down to farcical arguments and statements. Some of the pundits they have on wouldnt lace my shoes.
Yes, extremely disappointing news. :( One of the few shows I'd always watch each week.

I love a good conspiricy theory. Any connection to the demise of Scrap Saturday? ;)
I think Vincent Browne on TV 3 is really interesting and he really is very straight and to the point and takes no prisoners,and good
2nd choice to Q&A I think.
I think Vincent Browne on TV 3 is really interesting and he really is very straight and to the point and takes no prisoners,and good
2nd choice to Q&A I think.

I'd agree with you, Dodo. He cuts through the BS in manner similar to a solicitor in court and I love his OTT despair when panelists avoid the question or start waffling. I thought the last night Joan Burton was on with him was hilarious! I think it was Fionnán Sheehan, who was also on with her, who was caught laughing and despairing off camera at some of her evasive responses.

Bullbars, maybe you should give him one more chance. I think a lot of the problem, as you see it, might be a result of his show being shorter than Q&A.
I too will miss Q&A after only really getting into it in the last year. I like Vincent Browne too but agree the show is too short and a lot of the panelists are not up to scratch. THe night with Joan Burton was one of the funniest ever. Next to his trying to say "due diligence" another night!
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I'd agree with you, Dodo. He cuts through the BS in manner similar to a solicitor in court and I love his OTT despair when panelists avoid the question or start waffling. I thought the last night Joan Burton was on with him was hilarious! I think it was Fionnán Sheehan, who was also on with her, who was caught laughing and despairing off camera at some of her evasive responses.

Bullbars, maybe you should give him one more chance. I think a lot of the problem, as you see it, might be a result of his show being shorter than Q&A.

That was one of the few times I watched Vincent Browne show and aggree it was hilarious looking at him asking Joan Burton the same question for 20 minutes without getting an answer. I was starting to feel sorry for him.
Fionnán Sheehan has been critising Labour in the paper for not coming up with specific proposals themselves so I knew he would not take Burton seriously.
Big big loss for RTE. Did think John Boweman was getting a bit tired with it all but no need to scrap the show. Am a bit suspicious about the whole thing myself.
Certainly Vincent Browne would be the ideal man for questions and answers. He is building up a big audience with his nightly programme but, as others have said, it is too short. TV3 have a gem here and should exploit it. The night with Joan Burton was the best political show I have ever seen. It was amazing she waffled on for 20 minutes, refused to answer the questions and came up with nothing but gobblygook. And to think this is a very prominent member of the political party whose popularity is soaring.
Vincent Browne chaired Questions & Answers a number of years ago for a few weeks when Bowman was absent. He was much better than Bowman as he cut out all the waffle from politicians.

The night with Joan Burton was the best political show I have ever seen. It was amazing she waffled on for 20 minutes, refused to answer the questions and came up with nothing but gobblygook. And to think this is a very prominent member of the political party whose popularity is soaring.