My father recently passed away and didn't leave a will.
As I understand it, the house passes to the next of kin i.e. myself and my sister. We were thinking of our options e.g. refurbishing and renting, but we are leaning more towards selling the house. Refurbishing it might prove costly as there is an awful lot of work to be done in the place. And the added costs/headaches of renting it out an maintaining it afterwards. Selling seems to be the best solution for both of us, but I'm wondering if we will have to pay any taxes on the proceeds. The house is inherited and I'm quite sure it will fall under the €500k threshold for non-taxable inheritance.
Can someone who is more knowledgeable or who has gone through a similar experience care to share? Any major things to beware of like timeframes for doing certain things e.g. deeds being transferred to myself and my sister's names.
Info: Neither myself, nor my sister have lived there for the last 8 years. I have been living abroad while she is still resident in Ireland.
As I understand it, the house passes to the next of kin i.e. myself and my sister. We were thinking of our options e.g. refurbishing and renting, but we are leaning more towards selling the house. Refurbishing it might prove costly as there is an awful lot of work to be done in the place. And the added costs/headaches of renting it out an maintaining it afterwards. Selling seems to be the best solution for both of us, but I'm wondering if we will have to pay any taxes on the proceeds. The house is inherited and I'm quite sure it will fall under the €500k threshold for non-taxable inheritance.
Can someone who is more knowledgeable or who has gone through a similar experience care to share? Any major things to beware of like timeframes for doing certain things e.g. deeds being transferred to myself and my sister's names.
Info: Neither myself, nor my sister have lived there for the last 8 years. I have been living abroad while she is still resident in Ireland.