Question regarding trespassing



Hi there, can i please ask your advice on a subject. My mother recently passed away and has left a house and a field to myself and my sister. We both live away from the village in question and aren't always able to check on the house or field. They are both unoccupied at the moment. Anyways, my sister went out today to check on things and was horrified to find an unwanted and uninvited pony grazing in our field. We have a gate but no lock, so i know we could have had ourselves secured better. She asked around and found out that the pony belongs to an individual from Limerick that was recently re-housed in the village. She didn't find out his name though. So i was just wondering where do we stand and what we could do? Any help or advice appreciated.

Sorry to hear about your mother...

I think it would be best to put up a few signs "Private Property"... "No trespassing" & put a lock/chain on the gate. Is the house secure? Is there a local person in the village you could ask to keep an eye on the place?

If the pony is still there, then yes, report it...