Question on Part 8 developments

Martin Blake

Registered User
Hi Guys,
I have a question regarding a part 8 development. Really hoping someone can give me a steer.

The council are planning to build a duplex unit across the road from my house as part of a PART 8 development.

Since it was voted through by the Councillors in 2015, the layout of the plan and orientation of buildings has been completely changed.

The rear bedrooms of the duplex unit will now face my front bedrooms.
I addition the hedgerows are being removed from the road and replaced with a green wire mesh fence.
The fence will be broken up by the back wall of the duplex unit. – so Fence – wall -more fence.

They council stated that a minimum standard of 22 meters between directly opposing rear first windows is generally observed so that there is no issue with overlooking.
However the council have still not provided the elevations of the building and we believe that the duplex unit will be at a higher elevation, resulting in us being overlooked by the duplex unit.

My question is – is it allowed to have a rear bedroom of a house facing a front bedroom of another house.
I can’t seem to find any regulation that prohibits this but I was under the impression that this sort of aspect wasn’t allowed.


It's residential zoned area I assume - in a built up setting ? Have you still time to lodge a submission. You may also be allowed to speak with planner informally to see if something small can be done. Final option is to speak with a local councillor who can articulate you'd difficulty / concern without you needing to make a formal submission
Yes it's at the edge of a built up residential area. We lodged submissions and highlighted concerns and the plan was voted through by the council in October 2015. Since then, the plan that was voted through has been changed to the point were the original plan that we made submissions on is now redundant as it has gone through multiple updates. Been working with councillors but now it appears that other details that were promised such as retaining hedgerow are being rolled back on and in the tree survey most of the hedgerow been removed and replaced with a green wire mesh fence.