Question on caught speeding



Hi All,

There's a guy in my office who was stopped for speeding along with the car in front of him. Although it was a dual carraigeway it was a 50kph zone, they were stopped by the one Garda who said he'd caught the two cars for speeding, asked them for their licence's, asked did they know the speed limit on that stretch of road. Both drivers asked the Garda to confirm what speed they were doing and he said 70kph. They both asked to see the reading on the gizmo, the Garda went to check the speed gun and said that it had gone off the screen.....Both drivers, although not connected in any way swapped business cards as they felt that something wasn't right. Does anyone know categorically if a citizen has a right to see the proof or is it just the word of the Garda that counts ? Can a single Garda catch two cars on one reading ? Or does this seem like a Garda trying to double up to get through his quota of speed fines to keep his boss happy ? As an aside, I live close to the area where they were done and it's a notorious stretch of road for speed cops....Actually driving just below 50kph on it is almost comical as you can be passed by cyclists !!


I think you are entitled to know when that device was last calibrated. At the end of the day, with no prove it will be his word against yours. That will have to be discussed in court.
As the previous poster said you are entitled to see the calibration data but you are not entitled to see the actual reading on the device. Its also entirely possible to detect two cars speeding almost simultaneusly. This guy does not seem to dispute being 20kph over the speed limit and would probably be as well to take his medicine. However the stupidity of some of the locations for these speed checkpoints is well documented.
Any citizen should be allowed see proof of the charge against him. A Garda's incompetance should be enough for the case to be thrown out.