Question for St. Mochtas Residents


Registered User

Does anyone know if there is a residents committee set-up for St. Mochtas estate in Clonsilla, Dublin 15.

I feel that the estate has started to go very much downhill in recent months. Newlyn developments sill have not cut the grass in the estate on green areas and last year only did it maybe once a month so it always look overgrown with lots of weeds.

There is a lot of rubbish lying around, weeds on footpaths and the road and the latest craze of sticking massive (ugly) satelite dishes on the front of houses. These are things i dont like to see when I look out my front window and I dont even think that dishes can be put on visible walls.

I thought that maybe if there was a committee we could put some pressure on the powers that be to start pulling the finger out.

A happy but concerned St. Mochtas resident,

Hi Brendan,
I live in St. Mochta's estate and totally agree with you. I have been living there for 4 years now and the estate is steadily going downhill. I got a note in from a local councillor about the developers being taken to court over the estate. The grass has not been cut at all this year and i think we could be waiting a while judging by the letter from the councillor. As far as I know satellite dishes should not be erected on the front of the house by law but I could be wrong. A very high percentage of houses in the estate seem to be rented out, if you check daft you will see how many are advertised constantly. About 3 years ago a guy called around to my house and asked would i be interested in joining a resident's committee i gave him my name but never heard anything else so i doubt there is a resident's committee unfortunately.
True enough Rex I just went to Daft and seen a lot of houses from the estate. I suppose when I was renting many moons ago I was not to bothered about the condition of the area I lived in.
I do feel the permanent residents need to do something to prevent things from going downhill further.
Do you remember the guy who was planning to set-up the committee.
Sorry Brendan have no idea to be honest, just remember he was in his late 30's probably moved out of the estate now. Have you noticed how many houses are going for sale recently in the estate? I do think the residents need to get together before the estate goes downhill, reckon that's why so many people are moving and investors seem to be buying the properties
I have just moved in and I think it would be a good idea. Even just to get rubbish and grass sorted. I was thinking the same about the amount of for sale signs- what is going on there? I am a bit worried by that to be honest, I think we counted 9 the other night.
just popped home at lunchtime from work and believe it or not the grass was being cut around near the apartments and the green area near the entrance from the spar side so hopefully they will cut the grass at the other entrance too as it's a disgrace.
That is pretty mad although I still think we should monitor the time between cuts as it should be done every fortnight at least during the summer months.

They should also sort out the other issues like weeds on the roads.

I am going to find out about people sticking up satelite dishes also at the front as if its not allowed (which i believe) we need to get it stopped.

BTW just objected to the planning changes proposed for windmill estate beside us as I think those developers are just taking the mick at this stage.
Yes i agree re monitoring the grass. Also satellite dishes are not permitted on front of house as far as i can remember, fingal county council should be able to let you know. Have also objected to the planning permission for the windmill apartments so hopefully if enough people object they will not be able to get the go ahead.
i see there has been no improvement in the upkeep of the estate, grass was cut 2 weeks ago just to a certain point and the rest was left and no sign of anyone coming to finish it off. Even more houses up for sales, what's going on with the estate?
The grass along where the big green is with the trees is a disgrace, why havent the council been up to cut it. I don't see any other areas around in that state.
i think it's to do with the developers being taken to court for not finishing the estate, got letter a few weeks from councillor saying to that effect. Until the estate is completed by the developer the council won't take charge of it. Yes you're right about the area near the trees, looks dreadful
My Correspondence to the Transportation Dept:
I understand the Fingal County Council Transportation Dept takes care of grass cutting on estates taken in charge and on distributor roads.

Can I find out who is responsible for grass cutting on the access road for St. Mochta’s Estate, Stationcourt Estate and most recently Windmill Estate? This is the road which has a cycle lane and footpath running down its length, as far as Balfe Lane, and providing pedestrian access to Coolmine Railway station.

I understand that St Mochta’s has not yet been taken in charge and so the developer still cuts their grass but this is not including the grass the entire length of the left hand side (inbound) or the grass on the outside boundary wall of Portersfield.

Their response to me:
"In reply to your recent fax in connection with 'Grass Cutting' in Balfe Lane area as outlined by you, the position is as follows:
1) A contractor was appointed to cut grass in the vicinity and this contract remains in place for some months yet. The area specified is not included in the original specification.
2) It is intended to include it at a later stage.
3) Should you wish to proceed further on this issue, you should write to Mr.Michael Lynch, Parks Department, County Hall, Swords, Co.Dublin.
Kind regards,
Brendan Mc Evoy
Parks Accounts"

Which basically says nothing really. What area specified?, by who?, what original spec? Will post further once I have contacted Mr Lynch as suggested. Perhaps if more that 1 person did something may happen.
I will write too, its very annoying. Fair play to you for trying to do something instead of sitting around moaning like myself.
If any of you are familiar with some of the areas in Castlecurragh up the road it appears to be the same. I was over visiting friends there and some of the grass areas were like mini-pampas! Is this the same scenario type as the estate in Kildare where the contractor never bothered with the upkeep? I'm sorry about this in St. Mochta's, it's a lovely area and some of the houses I've been in are fabulous.
There is a Residents Association for Stationcourt. I wouldn't like to give out anyone's details at the moment without asking them but i'm sure they would be cooperative with a Residents Association in St.Mochtas. The management company there is Balfe's I think. They may be able to help with who is responsible for which bit of grass cutting etc.
It is very simple to set up a Residents Association. One or two people need to start the ball rolling though by organising a venue, time etc and putting a flyer in through everyone's door. At the initial meeting you need to draw up a constitution for the association (time consuming, but very necessary) and elect a committee (generally Chair, Secretary, Treasure and General Members). Try looking up the web for a draft constitution. I am currently involved in the Residents Association where I live and will give you any info that I can. I really think it's the only way to have some influence with builders, management companies, councils etc.
Good luck!