Question about VGA images on Sony DSC-V1




I have a Sony DSC-V1.

I'm very new to digital photography, and photography in general !!! My interest is in photographing wild birdlife and obviously it is difficult to get close to the subject (because the little birdies keep flying away).

On my camera everything I've read says that the optical zoom is 4 and the digital is 5 - I take it to mean with the camera in my had I can magnify the subject by 4 and when I have captured the image I can then electronically magnify it by 5 ... am I right about this ?

Also, it seems to be the case that if I set up the image size as 5.0 that should be the best set up for zooming in on a subject.

Now here's that bit I don't understand ... if I set up the camera to take a VGA image I can zoom in much closer, and when I capture the image I can then electrionically zoom in again. When I discovered this last night I couldn't believe how close I could get to the subject ... but from my manual the VGA image seems to take up less space on the memory card ... so what's the catch ? does the VGA setting capture a lower quality image? is it more difficult to work with later on a PC etc.

Any help would be appreciated.
Don't know the specifics of the digital zoom on this device, but I would point out that a VGA image is not suitable for printing - the quality is too low at only 640 x 480 pixels - 0.3 megapixels.

I would therefore leave the resolution at a higher setting, if I were you.

Just my 10c worth... :)
Monsiuer bond,

Thanks, you are just after confirming what I heard from another board that I posted the same question on.

Thanks for the input - Q probably solves all these kinds of problems for you - haw haw haw !! I bet you get that all the time !!
Thanks for the input - Q probably solves all these kinds of problems for you - haw haw haw !! I bet you get that all the time !!

Well, I am a bit of a gadget man myself.... :)