Question about topping up a pension after redundancy from job.


Registered User
I was employed as a PAYE worker until January 2024. I left because of redundancy and did not contribute to the pension after January 2024. The company I worked for did not have an occupational pension scheme, so I started my own private pension. For the 2023 tax year I did not contribute enough to my pension to avail of the full tax relief available to me for pension contributions. I now want to top up my pension before the end of Oct deadline to avail of the full relief available to me for the 2023 tax year.

My question is can I do this given I am no longer employed by the company I was working for when I started the pension?

I am now employed but have not yet started a pension under the new employment. I don’t think that matters top the question asked but mention it just in case it does.
