Question about The Anchorman

The Jerk is superb. Same for Fletch.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is another personal favourite. Very funny.

You should try his serious flick 'Reign over me' with Don Cheadle, thought it was pretty good.
You should try his serious flick 'Reign over me' with Don Cheadle, thought it was pretty good.

Granted he does the serious ones pretty well - Don Cheadle is brilliant - Traitor, Hotel Rwanda - me likes him!

Will Ferrell is this generations Jim Carey - typecast and about as funny as syphilis
When I hear people talk about Will Ferrell i wonder am i watching the same person, i think he's very overrated.

My absolute all time favourite film is Twelve Angry Men (the Henry Fonda one). So simple in ways but just fantastic. I love Crash too, the Oscar-winning one, not the controversional car one.

Worst film i've seen in a long time is Wanted, a load of tripe with a naked Angelina the only reason it was made as far as i can tell. How she does a great film like Girl Interrupted and then signs up for a film like wanted i don't understand.
Blues Brother, fantastic soundtrack, biggest car chase in the history of the movies, what more do you want? Ignore the sequel though, truely awful
A movie I love is kiss kiss bang bang, Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer, very funny, although may not be to all tastes here.
A movie I love is kiss kiss bang bang, Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer, very funny, although may not be to all tastes here.

I agree.

Different, but another personal favourite is In The Soup from the early 90s with Steve Buscemi and the wonderful Seymour Cassel. Might be a bit hard to get now. Funny ha ha and funny peculiar, surprising and even quite touching IMO.
'7 Pounds' is very good.
'Doubt' is OK, but ultimately disappointing.
'Duplicity' is muck. Watch 'Ocean 11' instead.
'Gran Torino' is good.
'Slumdog Millionaire' is excellent.
'Changeling' is also excellent.

I thought "Seven Pounds" was one of the worst films I've seen in years. Loved "Doubt"
"Am finding a serious lack of good films about at the moment - anyone any suggestions?"

I have yet to see a comedy come close to 'The Jerk' - Steve Martin and his dog 'Shi*head' ..... hilarious!

"You mean I'm gonna stay this colour?"
Watched Babel recently (on Film4 I think). Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett starred. It was better than I expected. Volver is on Film4 this Thursday. Nothing out recently to compare to Mystic River, Heat, Casino. We need more work from Sean Penn, D D Lewis, the Coens etc. Scorsese's Shutter Island is due soon... Though I fear DiCaprio may be miscast.
See no Evil, Hear no Evil,
Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. Genius - "Fussy Wuzzy was a woman?!"

I am into Kung Fu movies and thought Kung Fu Hussle was pure class - very genre specific tho.

As for more recent movies saw The hangover recently, went in with low expectations but thought it was very funny.

I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...oh hi, i'm legendary anchorman Ron Burgundy,

Sorry i missed such an important thread.......Burgundy Jr is about to arrive and i have to try to break the news to baxter !!

I just love moustaches and Ron's is one of the best.....

Gran Torino is my film of the year if not the decade, i saw it in america months before it arrived here and it blew me away.

On comedy i love Sandlers Happy Gilmore and the 80's classics, my fav film of all time is The Blues Brothers.

Others i love are trains, planes and automobiles, coming to america, animal house, the jerk, The life of brian and Silver Streak !