Question about Singapore?


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I am going to Australia with my two children in late December, and will have to stop in Singapore airport for just over 6 hours each way.
I was just wondering if there was anything to do there, is the city far from the airport so we could go into the city for a few hours, or has anyone any suggestions.

Not sure how far it is from the airport as I travelled by bus from KL. I loved Singapore. It's a lovely, clean, safe city. I've heard several people say it's "clinical", which to me is ridiculous. Plenty to see and do. The kids will love Sentosa which is a park on an island just off Singapore. Beaches and little monorails that take you around the park. You can get there by cable car which is good fun. The zoo is meant to be super also.

Sorry just read your post again. 6 hours isn't very much. You wouldn't fit in Sentosa. It's such a long flight that you may feel pretty exhausted when you arrive.
depends on the time you arrive, but there's an amazing zoo (day zoo and a night zoo). You would definitely fill 5/6 hours in both, although you would need to check transfer time to/from airport. Singapore itself is quite compact tho, so I would imagine you could get a taxi without much difficulty.

Kids (and adults) would love it. I certainly did!

Otherwise, just go into the city for a wander. I think you would have enough time to go in to the city centre and have a walk around India town or China town. It's an Asian city, so it's full of new things to see.

(Just tell the kids not to spit out chewing gum!!!! )
The Singapore Metro (MRT?) runs straight to the airport - takes I think under 1/2 hr to get downtown and is dirt cheap (It will take you to the Orchard Rd area where all the shops are) .. Taxis are pretty cheap too - the airport isn't that far out of town at all.

I certainly think Singapore is a bit clinical (switzerland in the tropics and all that - personally i much preferred Bangkok) ... but with young kids in tow that mightn't be a bad thing at all.

If you don't want to leave the airport - Singapore airport isn't a bad spot at all - pretty modern, clean and efficient - good shopping etc.

I believe there is a bus tour that you can do (or at least there certainly used to be a few years ago) - you didn't even have to clear immigration (which isn't any hassle in Singapore in fairness) .. the bus took you from the secure area in the airport .. drove around the city and then deposited you back in the airport - might be a good way to kill a few hours.
They have bus tour of Singapore; it takes about 2 hours. Go to the Singapore Visitors Centre bureau in Changai for tickets. If you want to do it on your own you can get the metro in (1 change of line required) or the public bus. Singapore’s such a great place that if you can change your flights it would be well worth it to stay for a few nights on your way back. But there’s a load to do in the airport to keep you occupied for 6 hours. There’s a place you can take showers and chill out (the Oasis lounge?), free internet, a pool with carp, massage chairs, a cinema, a roof garden with sunflowers, shops, restos and bars. [That being said, I ordered a Singapore Sling, which turned out to be pre-made so they just added lemonade to some sort of mix in a plastic container, in the bar upstairs beside the cinema and got such an allergic reaction from whatever they had it. I was so sick that they almost didn’t let me on my flight home].
Theres a swimming pool on the roof of Changi airport with a nice outdoor bar. Why not have a Singapore Sling while the kids have a dip?
if you do nothing else, have a shower! you're going to feel feral when you get off the plane and with another long flight in front of you, its nice to freshen up.
the airport is definetly one of the better ones - but its just an airport - they get kind of boring after a while. I have found that the duty-free (cigs and alcohol anyway) are a lot cheaper there than in Ireland, UK or Australia so if you intend buying some you may aswell do it there.