question aabout j.b. and rendundancy


Registered User
hi. im currently on jobseekers benefit in the yellow slip form as i am on temp lay off. i have been offered my rendundancy which im taking. 2 questions
1) do i have to fill in forms to claim j.b. after i recieve my rendundancy even if im on it now,
2) my rendundancy is for 2 years work. am i right in thinking that ill get j.b. immediately and not have to wait a few weeks.

many thanks
1. As your already claiming JB, there will be no need to make a new claim. There may be more form-filling due to your change in circumstances so you should call to the office to inform them of this change when it happens. Obviously, you'll be getting a P45 as weel that you will give them.

2. There should be no delay in getting JB as you are already getting payment.