You do save on interest over the shorter term, so it's worth doing if you can afford it.
100K over 20 years at 4% costs:
€7358.18 if paid annually, €147,163.60 over 20 years (so €47,163.60 in interest)
€602.22 if paid monthly, €144,532.80 over 20 years (so €44,532.80 in interest)
€277.70 if paid 26 times a year, €144,404.00 over 20 years (so €44,404.00 in interest)
The above shows that you do save a little in interest if you pay in smaller periods.
The main saving is made when you pay half the monthly amount (€301.11 in this case), then the mortgage is paid off after 462 two-weekly periods (roughly 17 years and 9 months), and you've paid approx 301.11*462 = €139,112.82 (I say approx as the last payment is less than the full one, as the amount owed goes to zero between period 461 and 462).
So, in the above case, paying half the monthly payment every two weeks has reduced the term by roughly 11% and the interest paid by 12%