Query re: date cheque paid in 2007



Just wondering if it is possibly to find out the date a cheque went through personal bank account in 2007. My friend bought an item in 2007 for a self-build..never used the item as work on house has been stalled for some time. Has now discovered that the item doesn't work and can't locate the receipt. The shop where the item was purchased doesn't have the date on file but remembers friend buying the item. They have said that if friend can find out date cheque to them went through they can argue it with the manufacturer as item should still be under warranty.

However, friend doesn't seem to be able to find bank statements going that far back and local bank branch has said that they could order statements for the account for the entire year of 2007 at €2.50 a sheet so this will probably work out quite expensive as it is my friend's main bank account.

Is there any other way of accessing this info???

Any advice/suggestions greatly appreciated!
It may depend on the bank in question. If he has the cheque number then he should ask the branch to provide a copy of the item. This may take a little time as the banks store images going back that length of time centrally, so the branch will have to contact their clearing department to provide the image

If he does not have the cheque serial number but can remember the value of the cheque and a rough idea (ie which month he wrote it) then again the bank should be able to provide a copy

However he may be charged a fee for this
I ran my bank yesterday (BOI - banking 365) trying to chase up a cheque and the girl just searched my account for the amount of the cheque over a 6 month window.

COuld your friends bank just do that?