Query re compensation for travel delays.


Registered User
My party experienced a delay of 90 mins. on the outward ( charter flight)journey of our package holiday to the Canaries with Budget Travel. On arrival we were transported to our hotel by a non English speaking taxi driver employed & paid for by Budget travel who seemed to have a personal agenda of his own - constantly making & taking phone calls, visiting a private house in a village way off the route & then to a small local shopping centre. Instead of going the usual short & fast route (15 mins.) we got a "tour of the local countryside" taking almost an hour.Our complaints only got a "non comprende" answer.
Our return flight was delayed by 3.5 hours & yet no meal vouchers or phone facilities to Ireland were provided. This despite the fact that Budget Travel would have known but didn't tell us that no food of any kind (even if paid for) would be served on the flight of over 4 hours. I have been told that food & phone call facilities must be provided for delays of over 3 hours under E.U. law.
Having verbally complained & getting only a dismissive "apology for any inconvenience" I wrote a full & detailed complaint to their Management.
Seven weeks later I got a phone call accepting the facts I gave them & including several other "misfortunes or inconveniences" as they were called. Apart from a verbal apology & saying that this was below their normal operational standards they refuse to offer compensation of any kind.
Has anybody had a similar experience with a package tour operator or is the only action I can take through the courts which would seem expensive & time consuming ?