Query re Android Tablet


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I just purchased as a gift for my 10 yr old a Hannspree 7" Android 4 Internet Tablet Model SN70T3.

I have been getting it set up before we give it to her. So far I'm happy with what I have got for the money spent, however I was wondering if anyone can tell me why it's impossible watch something on Youtube, it stops and starts and is very annoying. I thought maybe I had to watch it tru the youtube app so I downloaded that but still no good. This might be a bit of a dealbreaker if I can't sort it cos the 10yr old is fond of One Direction on Youtube.

Is it something to do with flash player or memory or ram or what....I'm not very good with any of this stuff so pardon my ignorance. Also as I write this my Husband is playing Angry Birds on the tablet and it seems responsive and he's happy with it.

Any advice will be much appreciated.

Thanks a mil
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Is the wifi connection strong? Is there any lag downloading other material?
Shouldn't be ram or anything as it should be more than capable of running a YouTube clip.

As Leo says the most likely cause is the wifi connection. The stop start sounds a lot like the video is playing faster than it is streaming. What speed is your wifi?

To check it is a wifi issue load up a YouTube clip (preferably a decent sized clip one say 5-10 mins) and pause it before it plays automatically. The play position bar should also show you the progress of the stream. If that progress seems to be taking an age, then it's a connection issue.

That could just be you've a lower wifi, or it might be something that can be sorted with the router if you've a decent speed. I've found some routers get a bit funny with tablets and smart phones and get painfully slow even though lap tops are fine.
Thanks Leo and Latrade for the replies, yes you both described it better than I did, it seems to be playing faster than the streaming.
I have 1mb broadband but i know nothing about the router, its a silver eircom router. Perhaps i need to go up to a higher MB package.
Having said that the last time the provider rang me and asked if I was interested in 8MB, I declined on the basis I had enough MB for our then requirements and in an effort to prove me wrong she checked the line and grudgingly had to agree that I do indeed have excellent broadband coverage.
In any event I wonder what to do next... I will check the tablet tommorrow as per your suggestion Latrade with a youtube clip.
My main concern was that I hadnt bought a dud tablet particularly after doing a bit of research and getting lots of good feedback about this brand.
eek....can't do right for doing wrong!!
Can you watch Youtube videos on a PC or laptop without issue? If you can, it is likely that the wi-fi antenna in the tablet is not the best and your broadband connection is fine.

Another check would be to test whether, if you move closer to your router, you can watch a youtube clip seamlessly.

In many respects, I think many of the smaller companies producing generic android tablets are a false economy in the long run as there is invariably some issue or compromise which diminishes its utility and the wish to use it long term.
Your 1mb broadband is really too slow for streaming video of any decent quality, especially if there are other devices in the house using the internet.
Over wireless you lose some of the bandwidth too due to the way in which wireless works.

The easiest test would be to try out the tablet at a friends or other location where there is a faster internet connection.