Query on Wood Chip or Pellet Stove


Registered User
I am about to start building a house (well the builder is) and we plan to put a multi-fuel stove (by charnwood) into the kitchen/dining/living room - it is an open plan area.

I went to SEI's site and can see that there are grants for Wood chip or pellet stoves.

My question is a stupid one but I don't know the answer:

Can anyone let me know if a Wood chip or pellet stove would look the same as a normal stove?
If you are confused as to what I am referring to then this is what our stove would look like:
[broken link removed]

Link to SEI website re grants for this is [broken link removed]

There are wood pellet stoves; or wood pellet boilers. A stove looks like the image of the one you posted - a boiler looks like an oil burner. One is more suitable for heating the living space; the other is suitable for heating all space and water; the pellets are drip fed automatically.
The grant is bigger for the boiler.
Have you considered solar for heating water? We are in the same boat as you at the moment and I have spent HOURS reading on the web!
Think about the storage tank and the feeder, they are necessary.A multifuel stove/boiler is inefficient and dirty unless it has a Lambda probe and a filter. You can't drive your car with a horse pulling it, well, in our modern world.
And keep in mind that there is no trade in Ireland that is competent enough to maintain a modern stove, cleaning it, repairing it, checking it's combustion gases etc... It's like using hyroglyphes for communication,you might know what they mean, but who else? Even our chimney sweepers are not prepared to clean the chimney from above, our houses/roofs aren't either, they would rip the stove pipe from the wall and try to clean the chimney with the brush stick.....