Query on taxing car with change of ownership also.


Registered User
Hey folks,

Have bought a new car, two years old anyway, and was wondering, while waiting for the log book to come to me, can anyone pay the tax for me in the tax office or does it have to be me. I am working everyday and would find it hard to get to the tax office.

Or can it be done online at all.

Re: Motor Tax

Car isn't registered to OP yet so no PIN to access car details online.
Re: Motor Tax

As previous poster mentions have spotted that on the website all right:

If you have recently become the owner of a previously taxed vehicle you cannot use this facility. In these circumstances you can only tax the vehicle online if you have received a motor tax renewal reminder notice incorporating a special PIN for its purpose.

Can I get someone to tax it for me.?..they've great opening hrs..!
Re: Motor Tax

Yes someone else can tax your car for you.

The last time I got tax for my car I was out of the country and my mum got the tax for me. She was also asked for the logbook that she didn't have but they taxed it for her anyway.
Follow up on this.

Got the father to make the payment.

Now, I bought the car 27th May, they charged me effectively for the month of May €31 and then pay the € 310 for the next year.

Does this sound right or is this how it works, seems like a rip off to me, I wouldnt mind paying pro rota for the days I had in May.
You are not liable for motor tax if you bought the car in the last 7 days of the month.

What date is on your change of ownership form? If it's 27th May then you shouldn't have been charged tax for May.
Thanks for the reply - the RF101 actually says the 26th May.

Do you know where you got that info from Rois.
That last 7 days of the month is a new one on me, like a idiot I put the last day of the month on a car purchase, which it was, and the person in the tax office said the month had to be paid for or get a form signed at local garda stn.
Did you go for a refund..?? What difference does a garda signature make to it.?

The back of the log form says when it was purchased.
Tony, I worked in Motor Tax Office for 18 months. So they will count 7 days from 26th May - 31st May = 6 days, therefore you should not have been charged.
I purchased my car on may 28th, rec'd reg book which stated that date, charged by Tax Office for the month of May. Checked when I got home and decided to check, so I rang the office and the lady said no you have to pay the full month, but you can check with refunds section if you like, which I did and the guy there said the same, saying I need to tell my friends to buy car early in the month!
I'd love to see it written about 'the last seven days'.