query on summons to court for speeding


Registered User
My young sister has just recieved a summons to court for a speeding fine. She says she got a fine earlier in the year and forgot to pay it. Is there anyway of settling it and paying the fine at this late stage or will she just have to go to court?
I'm not sure if this would be of any use but.....

Many years ago whilst on the way to deliver some bad news to my parents I was stopped for speeding. I subsequently sent a cheque to cover the fine and almost a year later received a summons in relation to the same incident.

I contacted the Garda station that caught me speeding, explained that I had paid the fine and explained the circumstances again as to why I was speeding on the day. The Gardai had no record of my payment and as I had changed banks in the interim & don't keep bank statements (stupid I know) I reckoned that I'd have a bit of a run around getting proof of payment.

The Garda I spoke to was very helpful and told me that in the circumstances if I paid the fine (again!) that they would have the summons revoked.....and they did.
Thanks mvron, might be worth giving them a ring so but dont really have any excuses for her only pure neglect, maybe it might work... will let you know the outcome...Thanks again..
if the summons was posted but not a registered letter who can prove you got it,tell the judge you never recieved it and you are willing to pay the original fine and take the points,i have witnessed a procession of people in court using this excuse and it works.
if the summons was posted but not a registered letter who can prove you got it,tell the judge you never recieved it and you are willing to pay the original fine and take the points,i have witnessed a procession of people in court using this excuse and it works.

Interesting, do you work in the court service?
if the summons was posted but not a registered letter who can prove you got it,tell the judge you never recieved it and you are willing to pay the original fine and take the points,i have witnessed a procession of people in court using this excuse and it works.
But how do you tell the judge anything if you're supposed to not know about the summons in the first place because you allegedly didn't receive it?
if the summons was posted but not a registered letter who can prove you got it,tell the judge you never recieved it and you are willing to pay the original fine and take the points,i have witnessed a procession of people in court using this excuse and it works.

you are suggesting perjury ?