Query on changing Funds in DC Pension


Registered User
I would much appreciate any advice - I am due to retire in 6 months time and the proceeds of my DB pension scheme wind up was transferred to a DC scheme. The funds are split between Euro Core Treasury Long Bond Index Fund 3516 and Euro Liquidy Fund 2297. I have been been looking at the return of the Euro Treasury long bond and it seems very variable - over Christmas registering a loss of €1100 and as of today making a profit of €1867. I was advised by someone to transfer everything into the Liquidy Fund which I understand is Cash but when I contacted the Pension Provider they say I have the right mix of investments and should leave things as they are. I don't want to take a hit as I won't have time to make up any loss. Any advice would be most welcome. Feemar5

What do you plan to do in 6 months time? Convert it to an annuity of some type, live of the interest + some capital.... Certainly if yo are only 6 months out from converting to some kind of annuity then cash is definitely something to consider.