Query about hotel booked on credit card?


Registered User
Hi all, looking for some help, I've booked a hotel in NY on my credit card in dollars, we won't be charged until we checkout, what I'd like to know is will we be charged at the current exchange rate or will we be charged at whatever the rate is when we checkout in December. At the moment with the exchange rate we are getting a pretty good deal but if the dollar improves will we pay more if they charge at whatever the rate is in dec. Hope that makes sense!
You will be charged at whatever the rate is on the day you acually pay your bill ( i.e. the day you check out ).

The only way around it really is to buy the dollars in cash now and pay in cash when you get there ( your credit card having only been used to hold the booking). We're goin as a group to Chicago in December and staying in the Marriott who have a similar policy. After discussing the matter we bought the dollars at 1.55 and will pay the bill in cash when we get there.
You will be charged the rate that is valid at the time of charging.. December's rate in your case
Thanks for the replies, will think aboout getting the dollars and paying in cash in dec. thanks again