Query about a will



I would appreciate some views on the following:
My unmarried aunt died about a year ago, she left a will that was made about 2 years previous. In it she left her (then) home to one of my sisters and everything else to my brother. The problem is that shortly before she died, she sold her home and bought another and because she no longer owned the house named on the will the solicitor said that the new house would also go to my brother. We all just assumed that he would do the decent thing and give something to my sister but its not looking likely.
So basically, is there anything my sister can do about this?
Would she have a case to contest it?

Thanks in advance
You/she probably needs legal advice if this is to be pursued and to forget about subjective issues like what you consider to be the "decent thing".
I can assure you its not me...I wouldnt let him away with it

She isnt really sure if she does want to pursue it. Basically she'd just like to know if she would have a case for contesting it and at what stage does that option run out, e.g. after probate?
I'm sure there is something in law about intent, and if you believe (as it seems) that she meant to leave her home to your sister then I'm sure there has to be something that can be done.

Definitely worth independent advice.