Quality of Phoenix Park Racecourse development?



Just wondering if anyone can tell me what the quality of the PPRC development is like? The show apartments were nice at first sight, but I always end up dazzled by the fancy furniture, and forget to check out the more permanent features!

Anyone living there who can advise? Are they well finished? Are they well maintained? If you were buying again, would you buy in PPRC?

I don't live there myself, but a friend of mine rented a place there for a while. I must say I was quite impressed with the space, layout and materials used, there is underground parking as well. If you are a light sleeper be aware of where your bedroom is, his was right on the navan road... I am not sure if I would buy into any apartment scheme, but if I needed to rent something this would definitely make my shortlist. There is also a new train station nearby