Qualified for Jobseekers Benefit - what would the amount be (reduction in hours)

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,

I have read through the various posts - my employer is considering a reduction in working hours in order to keep everyone employed, which is a fair enough proposal considering to the downturn at work.

Before I agree I want to have my facts clear. I currently satisfy the conditions for jobseekers Benefit (worked continously for previous 4 years+)

I currently work a 5 day week. Reduction would be
(1) 3 day working week
(2) 4 day working week

Can anyone let me know the amount payable under the scheme?

It is hard to ask the local Social Welfare Officer as it is a very small town and this is a sensitive matter (Social Welfare Officer is sister of colleague who is against the proposal and encouraging me to do the same. I know these things should be confidential but I can assure you, it would not be the case. I would rather see if the total reduction to me each week is livable with and keep all staff on)

Thank you VERY much for all replies.
If you went to a 3 day week you would get 81.70 a week (2/5 of 204.30) . On a 4 day week I believe you are not eligible.
my husband was put on 3 day week and his jb cheque is for 130.70e every tuesday
Lots of different opinions - no wonder its confusing! Thanks for replies - anybody know for definate? Suemoo1 - does that amount inlcude you or children as dependents I wonder?
im not sure to be honest but there is me (work 20 hours per week) and 2 kids 9 and 15 but i cant remember when he filled in the forms in Feb what info he had to put down for me bar my pps no etc - by the way it took 12 weeks for him to get it.!!
The question of one-fith rate or one sixth rate of the weekly payment is determined by whether the pattern of work is systematic, i.e the same days every week so, yes, it is confusing. It's difficult to compare one scenario to another without having access to the previous patterns of employment, length of time its operating etc. Only way of knowing is through SW office in each individual case.
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Fulltime, 5 days per week (Mon - Fri) each week. Employed presently here for over 4 years +...
I think it depends on how much your getting for your 3 days. To qualify you must be unemployed 3 days in 6. After that there is a daily disregard of €20, 60% of your net income after tax is your means. If the means is greater than your jobseekers payment i dont think your entitled to anything. After that you can recieve jobseekers up to the 2 days full amount your not working.