Q1:Mortgage not approved because not bloodrelated Q2: House subject to probate delay



Me and my partner started the "first time" buying process about 4 months ago.

We went to the EBS and were told that we can qualify for a mortgage, thus delighted with the good news we went house hunting.

After a good look, we found a place within our "pre-qualified" price range.
We then spoke to the Estate agent (name removed by ajapale) and put a booking deposit down. So far so good.

We then applied for the final mortgage through the EBS and then after a week they came back with the following: Sorry we cant approve this because you are not BLOOD RELATED?? Furious I went in told the agent that this is rubbish, and said that well he and his wife probably bought a property together. His reply was that they are married. I then threated to take this to court and then he said he will get back to me in 24 hours, 25 hours later it was approved.???

Fine, this took a month after the booking deposit was given. Finally a chance to go to the solicitor and to finish the deal.

Now the best is still to come. As the contract was signed the solicitor told me "Oh you do know that this house is in probate?" I said no, but asked how long will this take, he said up to 8 weeks, which was fine.
After 4 weeks I started to find out whats going on, I ended up phoning the probate office, but they told me that they havent got the probate.
I then found out that it was in the TAX office.

I feel that the Estate agent should have told me this and it should have been in the initial contract. Is this the case?

As well, is the agent allowed to sell a house thats not even in probate yet?

And has anybody ever heard about if you arent bloodrelated you and your partner cant get a mortgage??

If anybody can help me out here, and can legal action be taken against these people????

A unhappy chappy
Re: Q1:Mortgage not approved because not bloodrelated Q2: House subject to probate de

Hi Tetra,

I sympathise with you - buying your first house can be stressful and difficult.

What advise did your solicitor give you regarding the fact that the property was subject to probate?

Who do you want to sue? You DID get mortgage approval. You WERE informed that the house was in probate. Whats the difficulty? BTW it is a standard part of the probate process that the documents go to the 'tax office' first before they go to the probate office. Was there a closing date in the contract? Has that date now passed by? Its hard to know as your post would seem to indicate that you are only 4 weeks into the 8 weeks quoted to you.
Re: Q1:Mortgage not approved because not bloodrelated Q2: House subject to probate de

Tetra said:
And has anybody ever heard about if you arent bloodrelated you and your partner cant get a mortgage??

i though you would have more issues if you and your partner where bloodrelated...
In my experience, unfortunately, buying a house involved in probate matters can take a long time. Be prepared to wait. Even though I was given a specific closing date, it was passed on several occassions and in the end, it took a year to buy the house. I didn't want to pull out as I liked the house and it was appreciating over this time. Just make sure to sign binding contracts as soon as you can, even if the vendor wants to push out dates. This will mean that if there is a delay on their part, they can't pull out but most likely, you'll be able to still change your mind, if you want to.