Q Re Expenses and what I am allowed to deduct.



Q Re Expenses and what I am allowed to deduct. What of the following Qualifies as a Capital Expense and what would be a Standard Expense? Thanks Gavin

Lap Top
Window Display and Signage
Trade Fair Signage
Office Furniture
Digital Cameras
Multifunction Centre
Phone system for Office
Advertising in Newspapers
Advertising in Golden Pages
Security CCTV
Office Safes
DCC Rates
Waste Collection
Mobile Phones
Mobile G3 Card/ Broadband
Miss Office fixtures and Fitting
Generally items which have a life of a number of years are capital items and are depreciated over time. (Revenue allow 12.5% pa on such capital items) Other standard items are revenue related and are written off as incurred. For the most part your list would be :-

Capital / ord expense

Lap Top
Window Display and Signage ( unless regularly changed in which case ord exp)
Trade Fair Signage ( same as above )
Office Furniture
Digital Cameras
Multifunction Centre
Phone system for Office
Advertising in Newspapers
Advertising in Golden Pages
Security CCTV
Office Safes
DCC Rates
Waste Collection
Mobile Phones
Mobile G3 Card/ Broadband
Miss Office fixtures and Fitting (stationery etc. would be ord exp )