Pythagorus Theorem


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Brown Eagle had proven himself to be a very brave warrior and was now permitted to take a wife. He chose the most beautiful squaw in the village.

Before the wedding he jumped on his horse and rode to the Trading Post where he said to the trader, "I am marrying the most beautiful squaw in the village and I want a very special wedding gift for her." The trader suggested a large soft buffalo hide which Brown Eagle bought and every night he rolled up in the hide with his beautiful squaw.

Brown Eagle became the most heroic warrior of his tribe and was able to take another wife so he chose the most beautiful squaw in the whole of his tribe. Again he hopped on his horse and went to the Trading Post, telling the trader, "I ammarrying the most beautiful squaw in the whole of my tribe and I want a very special wedding gift for her."

The trader suggested a bbeautiful bear hide that would keep her warm on the coldest of winter nights.

Brown Eagle went on to become the Paramount Chief of the whole Indian nation and could now take a third wife so he chose the most beautiful squaw in the whole of the Indian nation and agail jumped on his horse and went to the Trading Post and said to the trader," I am now the Paramount Chief and I am marrying the most beautiful squaw in the whole of the Indian nation. I want a very special wedding gift for her."

The trader said," I have on my shelf a hippo hide. It's the only hide like it in the country. It is thick, soft leather. It's huge and will necer wear out. Your squaw can wrap hersel in it in the long winter nights and never get cold."

Brown Eagle decided it was time to settle down and raise a family.
His three squaws got pregnant at the same time. When they gave birth, the squaw on the buffalo hide gave birth to a baby girl, while the squaw on the bear hide had a baby boy, but the squaw on the hippo hide had twins - a boy and a girl. This proves that:

The Squaw on the Hippopotamus is equal to the sum of the Squaws on the other Two Hides.