Putting up Fencing


Registered User

I'm putting up fencing on both sides of my back garden and the required concrete H posts, 6ft x 6ft panel fencing have been delivered. I've a rough idea of what I need to do next:
- outline the line of the fencing with a string line
- rent an auger to dig the holes with
- fill the holes with hardcore
- put the posts in
- fill around the posts with cement and let them set
- slot the fencing in between the posts.

I did a search and found one other post that gave some info, but not a whole lot.

My questions are:
What type of auger works best? I've about 10-15 holes to do.
Should the posts fit tightly into the hole, or should there be a fair bit of room around each post to pour the cement into?
How far in the ground should the posts go?
Is hardcore the best material to use in the holes?
What kind of cement should I mix (ratios) and do I need to get a cement mixer given the amount of cement involved, or will mixing by hand/shovel do fine?
