put water in where oil goes have I done serious damage?


Registered User
Iwas trying to put oil and water in my car this evening and I put a few pints of water in to the oil by mistake. I knew straight away I had done it. I will phone a garage tomorrow but does anyone know will I be able to drive it to the garage about 2 niles away or will I have to get it towed? What will I need to get done to it. It is a 99 car and is petrol and I hope it wont cost much. Any advice please
Dont start it or drive drive it---get a mechanic to come and change the oil & filter --that might save it
Dont start it or drive drive it---get a mechanic to come and change the oil & filter --that might save it

- Yes get it looked at asap and dont start the engine. If you follow this advice hopefully it will be ok.
Coleen - Just to clarity you put the water into the oil and not the petrol tank is that right??
Iwas trying to put oil and water in my car this evening and I put a few pints of water in to the oil by mistake. I knew straight away I had done it. I will phone a garage tomorrow but does anyone know will I be able to drive it to the garage about 2 niles away or will I have to get it towed? What will I need to get done to it. It is a 99 car and is petrol and I hope it wont cost much. Any advice please

Assuming you haven't tried to start it just ring round and get someone to come out and drain it, fill it with 5 litres of cheapo flushing oil, drain it again and refill. You may as well get them to put a new oil filter on at the same time too.

Somebody who runs a rescue business might be a good bet as their wagons will run on anything, they often use the drained fuel from misfuelled diesel cars.

After a week or so take the oil filler cap off and check for mayonnaise-type deposits (a dead giveaway for water in oil). If you see any then repeat the above.

Thanks for all the advice I have rang a garage and he will send a recovery truck for it and sort it. I hope it will be ok