put deposit on house now there is a problem


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Just looking for peoples expierences on this our solicitor is out of office until Tuesday and would really apprceitce some advise.

Put a booking deposit on a house
there was a leak in the extension. Owner got new roof and ceiling on extension.

Brought a builder to see it and he says the extension is not to regualtions there is no insulation on the floor and height is not correct. the extension is the garage converted into the kitchen. no meter for the gas.

the brochure says it has gfch and extended kitchen. the builder said this is false advertising

what should we do?
I suppose the first step is for you to decide if you still want to buy the house or not?
You should also negotiate with the seller at this stage and see how much it would cost you to 'regulate' the extension. Remember any problems now will crop up again when you go to re-sell the property. Your deposit is refundable until contracts are signed so dont worry about not getting your money back.
if all you have done is put down a booking deposit and not signed contracts you can pull out and get your money back, alternatively you could use the above to try and get a reduction on the costs
yes thats the thing we really like the house and area but the builder said it would cost us €15,000 to get it sorted the price of the house is already over €330,000. We are just going to speak to the solicitor on tuesday and see what he has to say. I suppose if we get a certain amount of a reduction then we would go with that but not sure about paying that price with that problem

Thanks for the advice everyone