Pure Silvikrin Hair Tonic


Registered User

My dad is in his 70s & still has a full head of hair.
For as long as I can remember he's been using Pure Silvikrin Hair Tonic (green bottle) but now he's been told it's not in production anymore.

I tried eBay etc for it but no sign of it for sale there.
Does anyone know of anywhere that still stocks it?

Call the manufacturer and ask where they deliver to ?
As I said he's been told it's not in production anymore.
I've confirmed this with Proctor & Gamble.

I'm told there may be some old stock out there as it wasn't a very popular product with the younger generation.

Wow...Brings back great memories, this was a staple present for my Grandad when I was growing up along with the usual socks and tweed flatcaps......I have a friend who is a mediacl rep and is always in Pharmacys so I'll ask her to keep an eye out for old stock and let you know !

You could try some traditional barbers and enquire if they have any stock for sale?

All you need to do is find a traditional barber!