Purchasing a jeep, whats best


Registered User
Hi All,

I am thinking of buying a jeep that best suits the building profession.est.

I am looking at a Mitsibushi L200 or a Toyota Navara.

Has anyone any comment on what is best and most reliable, cost effective etc.

Thanks in advance

These are more commonly known as pick-ups, am I right in thinking you are after one of these?

The Hilux would be the best
Thanks for the replies.

Yes, I am looking for a pick up, with a crew cab preferably.

I will be travelling a lot and would also like comfort.

Is it the Hilux???
Read in some newspaper that the Nissan Navarra was voted top in a recent survey. I drive one through work and it seems reliable, well built etc. If travelling a long distance, I'd prefer a car. If you're going to be driving alot, I'd take a long test drive to try it out. Probably only does about half the mpg of a diesel car, driving position not as upright as others jeeps- kills my back and heard others complain of same problem. Not a very tight turning circle so wouldn't like to visit too many multi storey carparks. See alot of Hyundai and Kia jeeps driving around. If you're keeping it longterm and not too worried about resale price, they might be worth a look.