Hi All,
I have a number of probably stupid questions that I hope you guys can help me on.
I’m hoping to self-build my own house on my Uncle’s land, my parents want to buy the land off my Uncle and give it to me as a gift. Its currently agricultural land without any planning on it, and it will only be purchased subject to planning, however my good Uncle is only going to charge agricultural rate for it.
I foolishly bought an apartment in Turkey (€50k paid to date, but construction is stopped and the contractors are talking about going to into liquidation leaving me and the other investors with an unfinished building site)
The questions I have are follows;
1) How does stamp duty affect me as I’m going the self build route and it’s my 2nd property? Does this half finished apartment affect my first time buyer status
2) When my parents purchase the land will the stamp duty be calculated on the land cost or value (we only want to purchase subject to planning
3) How is gift tax calculated as I won’t be getting any capital gains on the land as I intend to live in this house i.e I won’t be selling or renting it?
4) Finally when I’m applying for planning permission do I have to have a contract/ agreement in place with my Uncle showing that if permission is granted he will sell the site?
All replies appreciated.