Purchase land from brother/planning

By the way, you have no idea who I am, so keep rhetoric bull for your mates in the pud who know you enough to suffer it.

That's a strange thing to say, since you have no idea who I am either, but your posting on this topic clearly shows you have less knowledge in this area than other posters (myself included - although I apologise for being a smartass). Your unfamiliarity with the jargon would appear to bear this out - the land will be valued by a valuer, not evaluated by an evaluer.

Your suggestion that Revenue "red flag" certain valuers in this type of transaction is also strange, and shows a lack of understanding about the whole process - as Revenue will only see who the valuer is, if and when they raise a query - so if the transaction is being looked at, it's being looked at, and it won't be because of who the valuer is.

I don't actually think we disagree substantially here at the end of the day. I am asserting that in a situation like this, the wisest thing (from a purely tax efficiency perspective) is to transfer the land prior to obtaining planning permission. The market value of a piece of unzoned land without PP, whose current use is agricultural, will be closer to it's agri value. Any valuation would have to factor in development potential, but that's all it is at that point, potential.

On the other hand, if the land has got full planning permission for a nice big 5 bedroom house at the time it is transferred, then it's development value has begun to crystallise, and therefore will be much greater than it was before planning was sought.
The market value of a piece of unzoned land without PP, whose current use is agricultural, will be closer to it's agri value. Any valuation would have to factor in development potential, but that's all it is at that point, potential.

Firstly this is the same point to which you disagreed with earlier, and is what I am trying to say to OP. Now your agreeing with me. Like I said to OP it's not, either, or. If the farmer next door sells 20 acres for 10k an acre it's wrong to say that your single acre is thus worth 10k.

Secondly I have first hand experience of an estate agent who attracted attention from revenue more than once when their letterhead was seen attached, as they were using their position to help someone avoid tax previously and revenue were keeping an eye on them. This happened.

Thirdly, I have dyslexia and when you write things and even reread them poor spelling and repeating words is an everyday difficult occurance.
But dont let your own ignorance stop you from branding me stupid.

Agricultural land values are relevent when you are transfer a large acreage. When someone transfers an acre of land or probably less it's obvious it's not for farming. Especially so if it has road frontage.

It appears from this that you believe that agri value is only relevant where the transfer is of a suitably large plot. The simple fact is that if you transfer me an acre with road frontage, I can easily say that my intention at the time you transferred it to me, was to hobby farm it, maybe fatten a few cattle on it, or keep a few horses on it for hacking around on. This couldn't be easily disproven. (Arguably, not even if I decided shortly afterwards to apply for planning permission on it.) This is why market value can / will be applied - a value that incorporates the current use value plus the value of potential development.

The above is, as far as I can see, the nub of our debate here - you appear to believe that myself and others were suggesting that a transfer now while the land has no planning permission, would be at agri value. I can't speak for anyone else, but that was never my belief, as you will see from the emboldened part of my previous posts quoted above.

When valuing the land a valuer should incorporate into his valuation the additional value from the development potential. But this doesn't mean that the site suddenly assumes the same value as it would have if it had already been zoned / had PP granted. Given that this potential is dependent on uncertain future events, the uncertainty will require a substantial discount on the value the site would have if it were already zoned.

As per the above I'm not disagreeing - I'm saying what I've said all along - the value before you obtain planning will be less than the value afterwards. What I disagreed with, was the impression that the agri value is irrelevant just because the parcel being sold is suitable as a site.

That's in no way surprising - but again I would suggest that you're putting the cart before the horse here. You only have to furnish the actual valuations if / when Revenue ask for them. If they ask for them it's because they already are unhappy with the figures used (an exception may be if a CG50 is being sought). It doesn't really matter therefore whether the valuer is on their naughty list or not, because they're likely to dispute the figures anyway.

Thirdly, I have dyslexia and when you write things and even reread them poor spelling and repeating words is an everyday difficult occurance.
But dont let your own ignorance stop you from branding me stupid.
Talk about a chip on your shoulder - unless you're a tax / property professional then I would stand over my assertion that myself and other posters here have more experience and expertise in this area than you, nowhere did I suggest stupidity on your part, I merely suggested that your language suggested less familiarity than other posters.
thanks Troy and Mandelbrot for you input. I think ye have both identified a key point of my query- i.e. how much the land will be valued for. I will get it valued to see, but even if it was valued more than the agri value, it would still be cheaper than going out buying a site in our area with PP. We are currently checking out whether my brother or father may become liable for tax as the transaction on farm transfer happened < 2 years ago, and now brother is essentially transferring ~ acre to me which looks like a break in his condition of farm inheritance. We would obviously be paying for this tax liability so would be interested to know your opinions on this, i.e. would revenue look back at father/brother transaction?

you need to get a solicitor to look at it. Like I said at the start, you'll need to have it valued and this will be higher than agri values and lower than a site with PP, just to be clear on that if done by a reputable agent. So allowing that it's somewhere in between, there will be a CGT bill for you brother. This will be based on the value of the plot, and the fact no money changed hands is irrevelent I am afraid. If you do get an answer you like from someone on what the previous transfer means now, from someone in revenue, make sure you get their name and get it in writing.
I went through this exact process that your going through but the transfer from my father to my brother was done years before, but I guess once it's done it's done I paid his CGT bill on the transfer at the time plus our stamp duty. Stamp duty was small. I would also suggest you have an accountant look at the tax calculation. I have an accountant working for me so it didn't cost me, but if you know someone it may halp to keep the bill down if it's done correctly. But this is not a big deal and I wouldn't spend on it just to save small as a solicitor will have it close enough.
There may have been changes in the Gov budgets that may have affected this area, so get proper advice as there are alot of student types and people with little actual experience on aam etc giving advice as if it were godspell. Remember also, any expenses to do with the transaction are tax deductables. If you get a valuation done made sure invoice is in your brothers name for example, as it's 'his' CGT bill your deducting from.
Good luck.
If you do get an answer you like from someone on what the previous transfer means now, from someone in revenue, make sure you get their name and get it in writing.
That won't make much difference if a problem arises further down the line (except to reduce or eliminate any penalties) - Revenue won't be bound by a mistake or erroneous advice from one member of staff. If it transpires tax is due it'll still be collected.

I went through this exact process that your going through but the transfer from my father to my brother was done years before, but I guess once it's done it's done
Except that as the OP is already aware, there is a substantial difference depending on how long it is since the original transfer. Vanilla gave some good advice in this regard earlier.

Well which is it, are you advising him to pay for good professional tax advice, which on a property transaction will always pay for itself, or are you suggesting he DIY it, or get a solicitor who may not have a breeze about the tax aspects, to do it.
If it's not too much like "rhetoric bull", I'll mention just one instance I've seen in the last 18 months, where a farmer disposed of his farm, left the CGT filing up to his solicitor, and ended up being audited and owing an additional €100k - €70k in tax and €30k in interest / penalty. I'd imagine if he could do it over, he'd gladly pay a decent accountant a few hundred quid to have not made a hash of it...

there are alot of student types and people with little actual experience on aam etc giving advice as if it were godspell.
Agreed, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing...
New question related to this post

Hi there, I was searching through old posts rather than start a new one and thought the people on this post may have some of the answers I'm looking for. Do you know if I can apply for planning permission in my name to build a house on a site (still) owned by my father? My intention is (for personal reasons) not to have the site transferred from my parents to me for the forseeable future. I just want to know if the fact the site is and will continue to be, in my Dad's name will hinder me from getting planning permission on the site? There will be no mortgage so that's not a consideration.
you can apply from planning without it in your ownership, you just need a letter from the owner(father) stating that they give us permission to apply..

have you considered that this land is probably currently worth circa 10g and once planning is granted that value increases to maybe 50-100g, this may be worth considering and its why family lands ownership is generally dealt with prior to Planning