Pumping water from river

Marine 8

Registered User
I have a river at the bottom of a field and I want to pump water from it into a tank on a daily basis. The drop to the river is about 6ft and the water needs to travel about 15ft by hose to the tank. So basically it's travelling up hill and at the moment is only done by filling buckets. I'm looking for a simple solution. Any ideas? Thanks.
If there is enough flow in the river, an hydraulic ram pump would be the business.
Zero running costs, zero maintenance, totally green energy.
I don't know of any Irish suppliers, but have a look at this UK site.

Thanks Hoagy but eek! e1500 is a tad on the pricey side. Any ideas on something a bit more basic, or something old fashioned with a handle to turn or even some home-made device?
I have a vague recollection of a tv program where they used a funnel in a river connected to a pipe. The water compressed into the funnel and travelled up the pipe. Depends on how fast the river is and how big the funnel is . Now you have a big height to get up but worth experimenting with.

Otherwise you could always connect a water pump out of a washing machine or dishwasher, put some sort of paddles on instead of the motor and see does that work although it may run too slow.
Buy one of those pumps for pond features, available in most garden centres pretty cheaply. They're rated in litres per hour, so just decide how much water you're likely to need and how long you're prepared to spend getting it.
Thanks folks,
Plenty of ideas there. Bound to be one that'll beat the bucket carrying!