pulse rate


Registered User
If you have a resting pulse rate between 78-84,what approx should it rise to after a workout?
I'm not a fitness instructor, but remembering my nurse training the following would be a broad guideline:
Immediate post exercise rate: 80-100 104-134 136-156

80-100 being Good, 104-134 being satistactory, 136-156 being not satisfactory.
But pls don't take this as gospel, check it out with your GP. You really should have a heart check before embarking on a course of physical exercise, particularly if you have any heart problems/ raised Blood Pressure.
Its age dependent, theres an equation that you can do to work out your Max Heart Rate, I can't remember it exactly. I train (swim) between 5 and 7 time a week for about 1hr at a time. Immediately after a hard sprint it is very normal to have a heart rate of 160 or more.
dollyclare said:
If you have a resting pulse rate between 78-84,what approx should it rise to after a workout?
If you have a qualified instructor in your gym, they should have basic information on this - but I'd agree with the recommendation to check in with your GP if you have any significant concerns.
[broken link removed] is quite handy.

You have two aspects of heart beat really...one is the beats you want to train at for maximum intensity and benefit to you getting fit. The other aspect of the heart beat is how fast you recover....this is the true test of fitness really.

But in general you should be getting this checked on an individual basis if you are very out of shape/haven't done serious exercise in a while or if you are getting slighty older and have broken through your early 30s.
There are a number of formuale used to determine maximum / optimum heart rates during exercise. If you use 220 - age - resting heart rate will give you your first number. So for a 40 year old with a resting heart rate of 60 bpm you get 220 - 40 - 60 = 120.

You then assign a number between 65% and 85 % of 120, which is your upper and lower limit, so you get between 68 and 102 bpm, to which you add your resting heart rate.

This gives a heart rate of 128 (low) to 172 (high). so below about 128 bpm you are in the fat burning zone wherby a greater number of calories of fat are burned off, and between 128 and 172, you are in the cardiovascular zone, where your heart and lungs get good exercise.
