Pulled in by guards & when I was told to go he said I turned on a solid white line.

Thanks for the update Deeheg, interested to see how this goes, keep us posted, please.

I am waiting to hear reply from letter with picture of exactly where this took place, and if not good enough will go to the ombusman, I am driving over 20 years and no points or convictions, so sorry if repeated but will post back on this
good for you, keep us updated
2nd Reply from Superintendent

Hi all,

Well update on my fixed fine, pulling in etc. Received 2nd reply from superintendent again, stating again that he regrets to inform me he cannot intervene in this instance. And he is now sending to courts for issue of a summons. I paid the damn thing and sent a copy of payment in my first letter and also second letter along with picture.

So they are going to send more time and admin sorting out a summons then reading my letter, so its going to the ombudsman now I think, any suggestions welcome
Now Summons to Court

I just got home yesterday and a hand delivered summons for me in letterbox, date of summons 8 nov 2010 and i am to go to court feb 21st for no insurance and licence, but the garda saw the insurance, not the licence but he didnt tell me to go and show it, i instead got two points and fine, now court, i have rang ombudsman as the case with them waiting for reply, what a great country this is!
Are you taking legal advice?

At this stage you should be speaking to a solicitor.

Having no insurance is a far more serious issue.

You need to ensure all your facts are correct before you make a big deal of this. Do you have a full licence or were you on a provisional driving on your own.? are you absolutely sure the car was insured correctly and that you were insured to drive that car. Was it's tax and NCT up to date?
I am fully comprehensively insured renewal date is always July , full license for nearly 17 years there was nothing wrong not even out of tax or nct, I was completely covered. The Ombudsman has just rang me back to say the summons is separate to the complaint, and I will hear from them before the court in relation to the whole matter
Brendan, I had insurance he saw the disc, do you still think i need legal advice?
Brendan, I had insurance he saw the disc, do you still think i need legal advice?

Having an insurance disc in the windscreen is not proof of insurance. Did the Garda ask you to produce your certificate of insurance to your local Garda station within 10 days?
Hi all,

sorry for the late posting Just to advise that this case went to court and was dropped at court, so thanks to all for advice etc and I am delighted with outcome of it
Well done.

When you say it was dropped, do you mean that the Gardaí did not proceed or that the judge did not find you guilty?
and did you get the penalty points knocked off as well. Please give a bit more detail.

HI all,

sorry, no the Garda dropped it just before the court started, and no didnt get back my penalty points though I didnt think to ask at that time, but I think that has to be appealed separately , which i did writing to the Chief Inspector, which i just got standard PFO replies to my letters.
well done