Public Service Pay Agreement

Who is sentationalising?

Feel free to sensationalise what exactly?

Always amazes me the tone of some posts, when you try to get to the bottom of things and ask legitimate questions?
There is nothing in this deal for PS workers. A promise not to cut pay until 2014 cannot be kept and anyway one of the conditions is that in the event if further financial crisis, this will be reversed. Since further financial crisis is guaranteed by yesterdays bank numbers, I think we can safely expect more pay cuts.

The Government on the other hand, got agreement on a range of public sector reforms whichl, depending on your circumstances, could be a very bad thing for PS workers. It’s difficult to see how union members, particularly those earning over 35k, would vote for this deal.

This is not a comment on public service reform, just the deal that was done on Monday night. It seems to me that behind all the rhetoric, it was just a mechanism to end the WTR and give the country some sense of normality again regarding public services. That being the case, everyone involved in the disputes can now claim victory and will go back to work as if nothing ever happened.

I thought we had agreement on this years ago...nothing ever happened though !

+1 Objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) .

The reforms objective fails on # 1, 2, 5 IMO.

+1. I think any union member who votes for this is crazy. There are so many out clauses for the Government, the whole thing is meaningless.
+1. I think any union member who votes for this is crazy. There are so many out clauses for the Government, the whole thing is meaningless.

Maybe it was an unspoken realisation on the part of the union leadership that things are so bad they have no choice. Maybe they aren't stupid after all.

I think people have simply got so used to unions negotiating tactics in the good times, the 'hand-out to everyone' Bertie times, that they think unions can endlessly get what they want no matter what the circumstances. They can't.
I thought we had agreement on this years ago...nothing ever happened though !

+1 Objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound) .

The reforms objective fails on # 1, 2, 5 IMO.

This is the absolutely killing part as far as I'm concerned.

Agreement?! Oh how magnanimous of you Mr 'I'm on a fantastic salary and as much of a capitalist as any other businessman but if I grow a beard and don't wear a tie people will think I'm down to earth'.

Why on earth do we need agreement or permission for reform? If there is an admission of the need for reform (and many PS workers on this very site think so) then it must be done. Simple as that. Nobody seems to dispute the fact that reform is needed and plenty of it, and that appears to have been the case for some time.

Yet, government must dangle carrots to let unions allow them to reform?

It's laughable.
The point is all of these reforms have already been paid for several times over via benchmarking. Just bloody get on with it already.
Maybe it was an unspoken realisation on the part of the union leadership that things are so bad they have no choice. Maybe they aren't stupid after all.

Pretty much. The unions knew that the current impasse is a no win situation. Asking for the paycuts to be reversed put the CPSU in an impossible position (They would descibe it as a starting position, I'm sure)

Smart deal for the unions as it absiolves them of having to fight a battle they know they can't win.

Benchmarking had already been implemented when I joined the PS, so the reforms, whatever they were, should have been a part of my T&Cs. Most if not all of the senior PS pople and Gov ministers who agreed that deal are no longer in their positions, it was 8 years ago. Instead of banging on about it here and dragging this thread off topic, why don't posters start a new thread listing the reofrms that were meant to have happend and i'll endevour to see if I've been a part of or witness to any of them. Given the amount of change i've seen I my own job, I'd be surpised if a lot of boxes wern't already ticked or have become irrelevant. But not surpirsed that a lot wasnn't carried out as well.

Glad to see this in there at last!
"The introduction of new or improved technology... will be regarded as the norm."
Are the train drivers covered by this?
Oh how magnanimous of you Mr 'I'm on a fantastic salary and as much of a capitalist as any other businessman but if I grow a beard and don't wear a tie people will think I'm down to earth'.

I thought you were losing it Caveat but then I re-read it and the penny dropped...
I thought "benchmarking" was intended to bring Civil & Public Servants pay in line with the Private Sector pay (during Celtic Tiger years, which they claimed they were missing out on).
So whats the problem with "Benchmarking 2" to bring C & PS pay back down in line with Private Sector ?

Benchmarking had a one-way valve.
I hate this "whats in it for me attitude". Seriously, not every cost saving should equate to more pay for PS/CS.

Country is broke, PS/CS has taken cuts, private sector has taken cuts, everyone is blaming each other.

When the house is on fire, you dont sit around saying I'm not leaving until I know that I will be put up in a nice hotel. You dont sit around saying I refuse to leave until the arsonist with the matches is put in jail. You get out and get on with things. Staying in the house and getting burned is the same in this case as the PS/CS taking industrial action. All it does is hurt everyone.
I think the panel on the Late Late the other night summed it up perfectly when they said that public sector workers are kidding themselves (or being lied to by their union leaders) if they think that they aren't going to get hit big time over the next decade or so.

As they pointed out, wages in the public sector have nearly quadrupled in the last 10 years or so (their wages now account for nearly two-thirds of the Gov's income), and when a country is as bankrupt as we are then the Gov has no other option but to make big cuts. And they will.

The current Givernment won't dare cut wages further if the current deal is accepted.
Labour will hopefully form a large part of any Government following the next election and will not impose pay cuts.
In any event if the efficiencies/reforms provide the savings required then their should be no reason for further pay cuts rather we should see a partial reversal of pay cuts already imposed.