Public Service Ding Dong Posts removed from other threads as "off topic"

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Re: Media "myths" that get on your nerves

If a private sector business treats staff badly it is answerable before tribunals, the LRC/Labour Court and the civil courts. Also, if employees in these businesses abuse sick leave and/or other entitlements, they will negatively impact the competitiveness of the business, which will generally lead to profit decline, which in turn leads to rationalisation, and ultimately job losses. So, even in businesses where nut-job union reps are at large, the market will eventually act to correct abuses.
However, in the PS there is no such correction factor - thus leaving management, employees and unions complete freedom to abuse entitlements/regulations, over-charge for services, under-deliver, militate, strike,mismanage etc etc.....By the way, this PS problem isnt a new issue, its decades old.
In summary, the Private Sector 'does or die', while the PS 'doesn't and lives'.....sick really....
Why not give an annual bonus to any worker with no or very low sick leave?

PS workers get generous holidays, their bonus is the cheque that gets lodged to their account every month.

I don't agree with with bonuses in the PS/CS - never have.
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