public sector worker on phone in to joe duffy show today

Can you explain what " CAN be used in evaluations" means?
And what is the outcome for someone whom has been found to abuse the phone /internet?

Can as in can go against you in evaluation and lead to disciplinary action and ultimately dismissal if it continues. Also your increment can be stopped for a bad evaluation
Can as in can go against you in evaluation and lead to disciplinary action and ultimately dismissal if it continues. Also your increment can be stopped for a bad evaluation
Seriously in the public sector?? Do you mean the private sector?
I have never heard of anyone been disciplined or dismissed in the public sector..
would the unions not be on the case if someones increment was stopped.?
Seriously does anyone know of a case where this happened in the public sector?Apart from an obvious downloading of child porn .

I understood there was a ceasefire in place about public service bashing.

We are all sick and tired of it.

I note that a famous one called Rabbit got itself banned for breaking the ceasefire.
I understood there was a ceasefire in place about public service bashing.

We are all sick and tired of it.

I note that a famous one called Rabbit got itself banned for breaking the ceasefire.
WOuldn't it be kind-of ironic if any of those complaining about yer one on Joe Duffy were reading/posting on web forums on their employer's time?
WOuldn't it be kind-of ironic if any of those complaining about yer one on Joe Duffy were reading/posting on web forums on their employer's time?

I've said this before doodling on the computer on company time.

As the phrase goes it's a bit rich coming from some people.

Before anybody starts I'm self employed.
I understood there was a ceasefire in place about public service bashing.

We are all sick and tired of it.

I note that a famous one called Rabbit got itself banned for breaking the ceasefire.

Why would you consider it public service bashing?

If someone phoned in from the private sector and openly admited they were phoning on work time,I would be just as appalled.

And whose "We are all"?

Those whom contributed to the thread obviously arent "we are all".

Are you telling me that if someone phones the joe duffy show and openly admits that they are calling on work time and I comment on that,that you consider this bashing?
Must check now about the ceasefire you mentioned.

I find those comments very unfair and I am not only defending someone I know. I used to work (in private sector) with a guy who'd stroll in at 9.20am, spend the whole day on the internet or making personal calls and then bugger off at 4.45pm. The odd time, he'd do about an hour's work in a week. He could get away with this as there was nobody to supervise him (his post didn't have a supervisor or manager). It is down to a person and in my opinion has nothing to do with whether you're working in the public or private sector.

Maybe you didnt read the above part of my post? It doesnt matter where they work,people who do as little as possible deflate those around them..
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The title has the word public sector in it thedaras. If it was a private sector person who had done it would you have started a thread called "private sector worker on phone in to joe duffy show" or would you have said "person on phone to joe duffy" or would you have bothered starting a thread. Public sector workers are people too!

Hey that's me! I thought I was getting away with it too, especially walking around swiftly and with a purpose with a large set of paper under my arm. I was on a sweet thing there.

Title of thread: "public sector worker on phone..." to me a deliberate wind up. No matter where I've worked we've had more than our share of wasters who take each and every entitlement and give nothing back and are the first to abuse to their own needs company policy. I don't think this is strictly a public sector problem.

Now taxi drivers...
Those of you who claim I am public service bashing, the woman on the joe duffy show,said she was a public service worker.

Had someone come on and said, I am phoning on my employers time and using their phone,while your taxes are paying for them,then absolutly I would have posted.
By the way in case you havent noticed ,in my posts I mention that I was a public service worker.

HOwever if Mods choose to ban me or lock the thread,that is their privilage to do so.

Maybe this will give you the answer your looking for ,as to wheter or not Id post about the private sector.This and many other posts will clearly show that I dont discriminate.

The post below was about sr tecnics,and they are NOT public sector;
Re: What a bunch of morons
I also know someone who works there and is just hanging around waiting to be made redundant!! hes near that age so couldnt give a fiddlers what happens to those he leaves behind,if there is a company at all left.

The older workers and those near retirment tend to be most millitant as they dig their heals in to the employers and wont have to suffer the consequences...


Go count your disposable income........shouldn't take too long

I am aware of 2 employees who were sacked last year. There is another person who is appealing the decision to fire her so yes it does happen and it wasn't for downloading porn.

Deferring an increment is a sanction that is used. The union rep would more than likely have been representing the employee in the case so its not a case of them stopping it. The employee would take this action after a formal hearing with appeals also being heard. Its not just a matter of the employer/line amanger deciding to do it one day.

I did come across someone who was on the max for years and seemed to have dropped pay for a year - it turned out it was a sanction taken following a disciplinary hearing.
The person on the programme who started the debate was self-employed and stated that he didnt get any pay when he took holidays ...... but that is built into his costs / charges during the year. The "privelage day" is just a day's annual leave .... its an unfortunate title but its actually part of the employees holidays, the only difference is it cannot be taken whenever the employee decides, it has to be taken on that day (or , by arrangement with employer, within a specified period).
I understood there was a ceasefire in place about public service bashing.

We are all sick and tired of it.

I note that a famous one called Rabbit got itself banned for breaking the ceasefire.

Speaking of bashing - all of these are fact, and have happened in the last 18 months, I will leave posters to decide where in the economy they occured:

1) Employee reported by union for changing a light bulb (I'm not joking)
2) Office consolidation -employees insist that bus provided to collect them from old workplace to bring them to their new workplace 15 mins away - they won
3) Union cause dispute over 'having' to use new technology - which was faster, more comfortable and easier to operate than the old engine
4) Employees put on a reduced working week
5) Employees pay cut by 15%
6) Employees entitled to uncertified absence
7) Employees entitled to a 'job for' life regardless of requirement for skills,experience
8) Employees made compulsory redundant
9) 5000 people redundant per week
10) Employees recieve preferential treatment from lending institutions
11) Employees refused credit because job security an issue
12) Government decide that economy will be saved by taxing way out of crisis

I would love to bash the government (can't wait until the next general election) - in the meantime, who is kidding who, we all know that there is one section of society getting a very painful and very real bashing .........
2) Office consolidation -employees insist that bus provided to collect them from old workplace to bring them to their new workplace 15 mins away - they won

Price Waterhouse Cooper in Dublin 1 have this.
I don't work there but I know they moved offices and they have a branded bus doing laps around the area during the day. It's pretty distinctive

Well, maybe not laps but I used to see it several times a day carrying people.
Not in the last while though
Are you sure they weren't moving them from one current work location to another?