public sector worker on phone in to joe duffy show today


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Did anyone hear your woman?
SHe started off by telling us all ,that yes she was in work today .But would make up the time later.
yea yea..
firstly shes using the work phone (presumably) shes using work time,shes been paid by the tax payers for the time she used to make the call,we are paying for the phone call too..
What kind of job does she have that is so relaxed that no concentration is needed as she was listening to the radio.?
What kind of job would she have ,that allows her to drop whatever shes doing to phone a radio station? Worked to the bone !! yea yea..
She epitimises all that is wrong with the public service..I know this as I was once one,the abuse of the working time is scary,and I do not know how they contuinue to get away with it!
HOw many phone calls are made using working time and money in the public sector that we dont know about?
Where I used to work it was unreal the amount of private calls that were made!! If someones friend phoned them on their mobile the "worker" would tell them to hang up and they would phone them back!! I wonder who could look at the public sector phone bills? It us thats paying for them at the end of the day>
I heard Joe Duffy was in a car crash, who is presenting the show? Derek Davis?
I've no idea realy, no radio here in work so haven't listened to it a long while

Maybe it's her lunch hour, that show is on around lunchtime?
I wouldn't judge, I use this website during working hours

Joe was hit by a car reversing into a car parking space,whilst he was taking books out of the boot of his car!! freaky!! Damien o Reilly is the broadcaster for the moment.
NO it wasnt her lunch hour ,the first thing she said was ,to all of the begrudgers out there,yes Im in work today ..ill make up the time later...

If it was the peggy one she was a tool and what she said was so so so wrong
Oh God. Can I assure people that she's not representing the views of civil servants, just her own. How can anyone be stupid enough to go on national radio and say there are lots of jobs out there!! In fairness, I also assume she was deliberately picked by the programme researcher to go on air, because she was so controversial.

As a civil servant, currently on my privilege day, I can see that there really is no justification for continuing this privilege. I think it was originally introduced years ago to allow country people travel home for the holiday, in the days when travel was cumbersome and difficult.

I do, a day off is a day off

I heard it was ensure that all the civil servants (which was made up of a lot of people from the country) participated fully in the easter
The origin of the priviledge day was asked here before - if I recall, it's from the days pre-independence, when the Civil Servants (then British of course) were given an extra day at Christmas and Easter to travel home and back.
Back in the 1950s I believe..and this is 2009!
Hard to believe that all the FAS offices were closed today due to this and the countrys on its knees!
HSE doesn't get this privledge day but when I was in galway I use to get off at 11 wednesday and thursday to go to the races and a 1/2 day in September.

Gipimann - I prefer the one I heard, an extra day off so as you don't miss mass! brillant.

I agree with this sentiment 99% although, not all civil servants are the same. My best friend works for the Department of Environment, at a post-graduate level position. I have never received an email from her work email address, I have never 'seen' her on Facebook or have received a call from her work landline during the office hours.

I recently rang her mobile at around 11am and left a message. She got back to me just after one, from her mobile and told me that she saw the call coming in but she couldn't take it at the time.

Having heard stories about people assuming that their 9 days of sick leave a year is treated as 'additional annual holiday time' and other civil servants frowning upon it, I want to believe that they are not all the same. Majority may be taking the you know what but there are some really good people in civil service too.
what priveledge day? I didnt get one, is good friday it? I was working today. Incidentally our phones and internet are monitored and they know how long you have been on the phone/internet and this can be used in evaluations. So if I rang joe duffy my boss would know

Never heard of a lunch break. Not everyone has 1 to 2 break

I listen to liveline every day on my lunch.

I do not agree with what she said but cop on, she should not listen to the radio. Can she go for a pee without consulting the wining private sector.

Footing the phone bills, that would be ALL of us as you maybe be amazed by this but civil servants pay tax too

Oh and liveline ring you back so its rte's money being wasted.......public body wasting money on phone calls, go on start about that now.
Ok, I will then..I would love to see what the phone bill is in RTE..can I get it under FOI?
Can you explain what " CAN be used in evaluations" means?
And what is the outcome for someone whom has been found to abuse the phone /internet?
All I would say is give her/him time and he will become like all the others,this is a cancer and its spreading.
For those who do work while their supposed to and while their being paid for it,I dont see why they should be trumpeted and congratulated for doing what they are supposed to be doing.
I agree however that there are people who do their jobs ,but the ones who abuse the system cause issues among them,as its quite difficult to go and do a job when the person next to you is doing shag all and making calls and going on the internet.And its disheartening so it needs to be tackled!