Public sector reaction to pensions in Sligo on RTE news

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Did anyone notice on the RTE news last night when one of the reporters was getting the reaction from public servants in Sligo on the new public service pensions levy?

Basically the reporter was getting the views from a nurse, a civil servant & a employee from Sligo County Council. It looked like they were in a hotel or a pub.

Anyway Brian Cowens speech was been shown live on TV in the background. The speech went out at 4pm. What were they doing there at 4pm?

I accept that maybe the nurse was on a night shift or maybe a day off but the others had their work attire on.

Need I say any more.
I noticed that alright.... the irony was immense. You couldn't make it up!!
They way they were all bleating they must have no idea whats going on in the rest of the country.

They also seem to have no idea that this is just phase one of the cuts. Gubbermint tax tax is going down in flames.
I also heard the line " 'twasn't the public sector that got us into this mess" spun by a number of them. They were more than happy to share in the good times when the private sector was generating all the prosperity and record tax takes. Now that the sh1t's hit the fan, it's a case of let the private sector take the pain.
I can't believe it. Another public secter bashing thread. There are loads already, would it not be better to just add to the others instead of poluting this site more.
"Oh what were they doing there and look what they were waring crap" Ever here of shift work etc. Really, do something constructive with your life..........
Really, do something constructive with your life..........
I suggest we should all treat ourselves to a national literacy and spelling campaign based on the general level of spelling and literacy on this site. eg. "waring", "poluting", "secter"

School finishes at 3PM usually for primary students in this country - if you didn't go then you wouldn't know. Councils operate flexitime and may council workers start at 7am - but if you think that the world revolves around 9 to 5 work then you should realise it has moved on.
The reporter suggested that a large group of workers from the nearby council offices were gathered around the TVs in the local pub. Are we to assume that they are all on Flexi time? Seems unlikely to me!
Have all the good public sector people not got work to be doing on a wednesday morning? Me im off after a 33 hr weekend.
Perhaps a bit less time actually working rahter than posting in here might be better?

well if you start at 8 and finish at 4 is that not an 8hr working day
Have all the good public sector people not got work to be doing on a wednesday morning? Me im off after a 33 hr weekend.
Perhaps a bit less time actually working rahter than posting in here might be better?

When you start paying my wages, you can tell me what to do!!
The attitude of PS workers on this forum just confirms my well founded concerns about them. Well, a big reality check is coming their way. What is happening to govt income right now is scary.

In the next couple of years the money for supporting their Disneyland-like work environment is not going to be there. Thats not bashing - thats a fact.

The world, in my case, does not revolve around 9 to 5 work. 7am to 6pm and 8am to 12pm on a Saturday. That's what my world revolves around.

"8 hour" working days. God I'd love one of them.

Oh yeah, I forget about the teachers that start work at 9 am and finish at 3 pm and the secondary school teachers that get 4 months paid holiday per year.
So tell me where the money will come from then. Be specific. Give me some numbers.

Why should I give you numbers? I responded to the tone of your post, which is consistent with the tone of many other posts you have made: you are one of the more energetic public-service bashers participating in this forum, and I don't recall your adducing evidence in support of your attacks.
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