Public sector aptitude test - Kilroys college ?


Registered User
Hi - I'm going to be sitting the aptitude test in a few weeks and I'm planning on looking through the public jobs website. I've also seen that there's a home study course available through Kilroy's college . Has anyone done this or heard about it ? I'm not sure it's worth the bother as there's already info on line but just wondering if it might be a help. Thanks!
Hi DiA,
Whats the 'Public Sector Aptitude Test'? Perhaps you could post a link? Perhaps its a Civil Service thing?
Yes - that's it - the civil service aptitude test. I think they have some practise exams in Kilroy's college that you can buy but I'm not sure if it offers anything extra to what's on line at
Thanks DiA,

What are Civil Service Tests?

If you apply for a job in the Civil Service you may be required to undertake an assessment test. These tests helps us determine if you are the right person for the job. Different tests are used for various grades in the Civil Service such as Clerical Officer and Executive Officer and familarisation material will be sent to you or made available on the website prior to your attending a test session.

hey dublinamerica,

i did the test about 8 months or so ago (and got the job ;)) and found the stuff on the website is the best guide tbh - the kilroys course is v expensive iirc also.
The info on their site is the most appropriate. Assuming you can get through the sample questions no problem, if you need any additional practice get a couple of Aptitude Test books.

Kilroys won't give you an aptitude if you don't already have it