public liabilty insurance


Registered User
Have to renew our public/product liabilty insurance for a small engineering co. I was with quinn last year as they were the cheapest but after talking to a few people during the year I suspect that a claim with them could be problematic. It all seemed too easy to get policy, no inspection of premises or awkward questions. I get the feeling that if we claimed then they would suddenly take a big interest and claim that we didn;t give them all the information etc....

any comments?
Only ever had a car insurance claim with Quinn - had no problems whatsoever from start to finish in my dealings with them.
wouldnt touch Quinn Direct with a barge pole as had previous dealings with them and saw the way the operated ....
There were articles in the papers in last few months about Quinn in dispute with policy holder when they wouldn't honour insurance when building was damaged by fire...
I think your doubts are well founded, why not get a good broker to price around for other insurance cover?
You know the old phrase when it comes to insurance "better to be looking at it, then looking for it"