Ptsb shares and Odd lot holding

Meath Lady

Registered User
Hi all.
Tbh I know nothing about shares snd have a few different lits of free shares and small holdings of shares I purchased but really know zilch about any of them.

I received 300 Free shares from Irish permanent in October 1994 I think with 15 bonus shares in November 1995 and November 1996 totally 330 shares.

In April 1998 I bed and Breakfast 200 of these shares. I'm not entirely sure why now but think it was to do with Cspital Gains Tax but could be wrong.

I have a share certificate for 330 shares in 2010 which came about as Irish Life and Permanent created a new holding called Irish Life and Permanent Group Holings Plc and for every 1 share held in IL&P one share issued to IL&PGH.

Somehow since then these shares have just become 4 shares. . I have no idea when or how that happened and I am eligible to sell them in the Odd Lot holders sale at 1euro 74 cent each.

Can any one shed some light on when or why 330 shares become 4.
Is there really any point in keeping them on the other hand is there any point in selling them.
Any information appreciated. Confused to say the least
The reason is that when the State re-capitalised the six banks during the Great Financial Crisis, it became the main owner of the six banks.

The existing shareholders were heavily diluted, or wiped out.

This took the form of the State / taxpayers owning the majority of the shares, say 99%.

The former shareholders (like me and you) suffered near total losses, and this took the form of large cuts in the number of shares we own.
My 563 PTSB shares were reduced to 12 in 2014/15.

There was a capital re-organisation in PTSB in 2015.

I sold my shares to use the capital loss against other capital gains.

And we still hear all the time how we bailed out the banks, when in fact the owners were cleaned out..