As a broker, if I arrange a pension or life assurance policy for a client, they can contact me some years later to get updated details about it (current value, level of cover, bank details etc.) As broker, I have ongoing access to details about life & pension products of my clients.
Due, I believe, to Data Protection legislation, a mortgage account is different. If I arrange a mortgage for my client, I have no further access to details of the account once the loan cheque has been issued. This can be frustrating if a client contacts me looking for advice on their interest rate, looking for a top-up loan or to buy a new house etc., as I have to send them off to get the relevant information themselves first. Occasionally clients will be surprised that I don't have access to up-to-date information about their mortgage even though I arranged it. Permanent TSB's initiative seeks to address this, although no information about the repayment history will be shared.