Psychiatry: An Industry Of Death Exhibition


Registered User
Just a short note for anyone going to the RDS the week after next.
I just received an e-mail from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights with an invitation to their stand at the Mind Body and Spirit show in the RDS entitled "PSYCHIATRY: AN INDUSTRY OF DEATH EXHIBITION".
After doing some reading on their site I noticed that they are a front organisation for Scientology and their writings are laced with half truths and some completely false statements. For example they say " Commonly, a psychiatrist or psychologist tells parents that their child suffers from a Learning Disorder (LD) – also labeled Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or most often today, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). “Brain disease” or a “chemical imbalance” of the brain may also be mentioned, but parents are always told that this is a well-recognized “medical problem” demanding continuous, prescribed medication." The suggestion that medication is always, of even usually, suggested is completely false.
The founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard had a hatred of psychiatry as they had been in league with the galactic overload Xenu when he killed billions of people millions of years ago (I s*** you not).
There are plenty of thinks wrong with psychiatry but criticism from a subversive cult based on nothing more than the irrational ramblings of it's charlatan founder are not, in my opinion, valid.
I agree that Scientology is whacky on this and most other topics but as you say there are good grounds for skepticism in relation to psychology/psychiatry, for example:

Is Psychology a science?
The founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard had a hatred of psychiatry as they had been in league with the galactic overload Xenu when he killed billions of people millions of years ago (I s*** you not).
No more whacky than any other religion to be fair.
I've seen leaflets about that "Citizens Commission on Human Rights" group. Nowhere does it mention that they are a Scientologist front. But if you do a bit of searching about their contacts listed at the bottom of the leaflet, you do indeed end up at Scientology.

I'm always suspicious of groups who claim to have all the answers about something, or have a big expose challenging 'the establishment', but who hide behind important sounding titles. I mean, we are all for Human Rights aren't we ?

I'd rather watch Frasier
No more whacky than any other religion to be fair.
I agree, and have been open about my scepticism on religion here in the past, but at least mainstream religions have the mitigation that they date back to Bronze Age teachings, indeed some of which, in the case of Jewaeo-Christian religions, are built on Stone Age traditions.
Scientology was made up in the 1950’s and has spent the last 50 odd years ripping off self-help books and passing off its re-written versions as their “Technology”.