PSP playstation- Birthday present 5yr old, too young?


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My little man is hounding me for a PSP for his 5th Birthday next week. Is he too young, will it be hard to police the use of it?

Any help please
I would say that 5 seems a bit young for a PSP but my 5 year old twin nephews were given GameBoys and their 9 year old brother had a PSP this Xmas... On the other hand only you can really make the decision for your own kid(s).
Depends on the kid.

I recall in the most recent set of Child of our time programmes, being shocked at seeing a then 4-year old really, and I mean really, proficient at his PS-X-Cube thingy. My own 4 year-old son wouldn't have had a hope with it & still wouldn't now, a year later.
And I wouldn't encourage my son putting in all the time on it to get that adept with it when he could be doing more social and active things.

But, again, depends on the kid and the domestic environment.
Personally I would give a five-year-old a Gameboy rather than a PSP. A PSP is a very serious piece of equipment with a very serious price. And a five year old would not appreciate the damage that dropping on a tiled floor can do to a piece of electonics. And there is, if I remember correctly, a parent advisory message on the PSP. Another issue would be games - there's an abundance for the Gameboy aimed at young and old but a limited catalogue, as yet, aimed at the younger audience. Perhaps this issue alone gives you the answer from the manufacturers point of view. Sorry if I am long-winded.
Way too young. As other posters have said, a GBA will do him nicely for a few years.

Ask yourself: would you give a five year old a brand new digital camera? The likelihood is no as it would last five minutes before being dropped on the floor. Exactly the same with a PSP and it is probably even more fragile than a digital camera.

As far as liitle kids using consoles, the difference is that they are really only interacting with the controller which is predominantly made of plastic and designed for a fair bit of wear and tear.
Hi , My two granddaughters ages 7 and 4 got a playstation for christmas and even the 4 year old has to show me what I'm doing wrong. So, I would say ,dont underestimate children's ability to cope with this games.
Is the question can a 4 year old cope with a PSP or should a 4 year old be getting such an expensive device?
I know he can cope with the device as he has already proved this to me. As far as dropping it is concerned, he is very careful with his possessions. The price is a factor but not the main one. Perhaps the gameboy is the way forward alright. Thanks for feedback so far
Hi Clubman, Good question indeed. However, 3 of us were ASKED if we would like to buy the playstation for the two children. Being a kind old granda , I found it difficult to say no. Anyway, my son-in-law will have great fun with it in his spare time. I should say that they children are allowed to use it only at weekends. I'm not sure if that rule applies to the father.
I bought my boyfriend a PSP for Christmas and he already had a PS2 - I reckon that the PSP games aren't really suited for younger kids. You'd be much better off buying a PS2 or GBA.

I'd just like to add that Singstar 80s for the PS2 was one of the best pressies I received this Christmas!!
Dunno how big a 5 year old hands are, but its not made for them. They fit nicely into the palm of a grown adult. The flippers are further away than on a normal playstation console, so that would be a problem.

Also they are heavier than you think. Play that thing for two hours and you'll start getting the cramps. And I'm 28!!
I still have a sore thumb from playing Ridge Racer for hours over Christmas :(
I think that it's more geared for older kids. A typical 5 year old could drop it or leave it on the ground for someone to walk on. I'm coming from experience of having 5 kids myself. Trust me : there will be tears if it gets broken. Buy a PS2 instead with several 3+ rated games instead. It will cost a los less and give less trouble.
PSP's are not just about games either. It such a shame that people dont do more with theirs. I use it for music, movies and photos (a la ipod). I also transfer everything wirelessly over my home network, have accessed the internet on it and played loads of old nintendo games like mario on it that I have downloaded.

Aswell as that, there is none of the rubbish itunes issues (sharing/converting etc.) that you have with Ipods. You just drag and drop.

All this for 260 euro? People spend more on mobile phones and dinners for 2! Its the steal of the year.

But not for kids.

If your little man is anything like my 5 year old nephew the PSP will be broken in about a week.

Better to buy him a football or something that will get him out in the air.
dieter1 said:
All this for 260 euro? People spend more on mobile phones and dinners for 2! Its the steal of the year.
Do people tend to spend €260 on birthday presents for a 5 year old these days though?
I got one for Christmas & I have to say as a twenty-something I'm still having problems getting to grips with it.

I think for a young child it's very unsuitable as it has a very small screen & I think that prolonged periods of use without break would put massive strain on a child's eyes. Also, how do you monitor his gaming time & what do you feel is appropriate?

Argos do an ingenius PS2 game lock which fits over the PS2 (new edition) and you can set the length of game time etc. As a parent if I HAD to purchase a games console for such a young child I would get something like the PS2 & invest in the timer lock.

We have a 6YO in our house and got her a V-Tech V-Smile last year for Christmas, it's similar to a games console but much more chunky, less easy to break & only plays educational games. I would consider this a much better buy for a boy of 5 if he has his heart set on a games console. V-Tech do a similar unit with it's own small screen which doesn't look unlike a gameboy which might suit.

I can't emphasise enough how important it is to monitor the use of any games console, the type of game & their content and the amount of time spent on a console. We also invested in an egg timer & it is set to an amount of time for a game - if she's bold, the timer goes down & everyday she starts off with the same 30 mins, so if she's horrid, she gets no gaming time!!!!!

PSP and GTA kept my 6 year old amused all christmas, until he said "Jeez Tony You Drive Like a Bitch " to his grandmother so we <uhhhm> retired it :p